Grimm-Cenitaur in Remnant | World Anvil
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The Cenitaur is a Creature of Grimm that resembles a large centipede with clawed arms and bloated body and the alpha variant of the Centinel. The Cenitaur has a long, black segmented body. Each segment has a pair of clawed legs and is covered by a protective shell, like the Centinel. The Grimm's head is shown to have additional mandibles on the sides of its jaws. If a Centinel isn't killed quick enough, then it will evolve into a Cenitaur. It has an insect-like thorax with bone spikes protruding out of it, at the center of the thorax is a green tube which connects to a large, bulbous sac on the creature's underbelly. Using this, it is able to spit out green acid, which travels up the tube and out the Cenitaur's mouth. The Grimm has a pair of arms on the thorax, whose forearms and hands are replaced with blades.
  The Cenitaur has the ability to regurgitate a corrosive green acid, and has two bladed arms it can use to slash at enemies with or grab them. It also seems to have the ability to burrow through the ground.

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