Grimm-Chill in Remnant | World Anvil
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Apparently a type of Grimm able to posses Humans and Faunus alike, it has never been seen in any official capacity, however many myths and fairytales surround the horrific possibility of this creatures existence. While their true appearance is currently unknown, a Chill is indistinguishable when possessing a Human, other than their inability to speak more than the victim's last words. In some versions of the story, when a Chill possesses a person, their skin and hair turn bone white with red veins and their eyes become pitch black. This version has become so popular amongst people it has almost become the "canon" version of the fairy tale.
  The Chill are dangerous possession-type Grimm that are able to possess Humans and Faunus alike, capable of hopping from host to host through touch. When possessing people Chills are indistinguishable from another person, however, they cannot speak, or will only repeat their victim's last word over and over again. When not possessing anyone, Chills are incorporeal and live in the shadows. Moreover, Chills cannot control a body for more than a few minutes, thus making it impossible to slaughter a town like in the fairy tale. They instead, rely on the element of surprise and the unwillingness of people to kill their friends and loved ones to seal a victim's fate. After being possessed, most victims of the Chill die once the Grimm leaves their body. However, victims can be saved in the moment with certain specialized Huntsmen or tools.

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