Grimm-Giest in Remnant | World Anvil
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A Geist's base form is a black figure that has bone-like spikes on its back and ribs on its upper body, with long, skeletal forearms and sharp fingernails. It lacks a lower body, instead floating through the air while leaving behind a black smoke trail. Its face consists of Grimm markings on a mask-like bone plate with a single eye. A Geist is a possession-type Grimm, capable of controlling any inorganic matter or inert mass it possesses as extensions of its own body. Should it lose any of its limbs, it can repair the chink in its armor almost immediately by simply possessing another object in the vicinity. Its only real vulnerability is its "face", the central segment from which it maintains control of the form as a whole. Once its host object is destroyed or severely disabled, it abandons the body, revealing its base form. While in its true form a Geist will sometimes use its claws in combat. Its true form appears to be relatively frail.

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