Grimm-Ravager in Remnant | World Anvil
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Ravagers have a strong resemblance to bats. Typical to the Grimm, they have bone-like masks with red markings on them, as well as spikes protruding from their backs, and a bone-like ribcage over their pitch black fur. Additionally, they also have large fangs that interlock over their jaws. Ravagers have red wings that are described as leathery in texture and are considered to be uglier than Nevermores. Young Ravagers are referred to as Baby Ravagers, shown to be tiny in size as opposed to their full sized counterparts, who were described as "fruit bats with swords for claws".
  Type Grimm Habitats Vacuo Affiliation ?????? Attacks Claws, Fangs, Sonic Screeches Features Black Fur, Red Wings, Bonelike Spines

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