Grimm-Seer in Remnant | World Anvil
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Seers have small, black spherical bodies resembling a smoky crystal ball that is covered with bone-like plates and spikes. They have a fleshy red and black fleshy tail that falls down and six long red tentacles they use to interact with their environment or attack. They somewhat resemble jellyfish.
  Seers can float in the air and appear to be able to keep tabs on the other Grimm and, through them, acting as somewhat of a scout for other grimm. They also have 360-degree vision with distorted colors that is shown as a fishbowl effect when seen from their perspective. While they don't seem to show much aggression or combat prowess, seeing the possibilities of communication and organizing of the Grimm is a terrifying thought.
  Type: Grimm Habitats: ???????? Affiliation: ????? Attacks: Barbs, Strangulation, Ensnaring Abilities: Transmitting Messages Weapons: Spiked Tentacles Features: Small Main Body, Red Tentacles

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