Grimm-Sphinx in Remnant | World Anvil
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Sphinxes are large and slender Grimm with feline bodies and large feathered wings. They have a round head with a very short, somewhat narrow snout and a four-crested bone mask that takes the form of some feline. Each paw has three toes, and their tail is a white snake. The Sphinx's mane appears to resemble human hair, as shown in its concept art.
  Ice Sphinxes in Solitas have parts of their skin frozen, including their fur and feathers, due to the extremely cold weather in the tundra. The are also shown to have more armor around their limbs.
  On the ground, Sphinxes appear to be significantly less agile than Manticores. However, when in the air, they appear to be much more maneuverable than the latter. They are capable of spitting fireballs similar to the Manticores, and their tails are capable of attacking independently and appear to be able to see separately from a Sphinx's feline portion. They also appear to have the capability to command the Manticores around it.
  Type: Grimm Habitats: Anima Solitas Affiliation: ????? Attacks: Bite, Tail Strike, Breathing Fire Features: Black Wings, Snake Tail, Crested White Bonelike Headpiece

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