Huntsmen Weapons Item in Remnant | World Anvil
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Huntsmen Weapons

Transformations   Though standard weapons exist, the majority of weapons are usually designed to be transformable, using a foldable frame - a framework capable of shifting various sections to change the weapon from one form into another in mere seconds. Weapons with a foldable frame possess two or more selected forms, and the wielder is capable of freely swapping between each weapon state depending on their needs. Typically, such weapons would have both a melee state and a ranged combat state, but are not necessarily limited to those specific types of attacks while in each state. Weapons can also have an inactive state known as a "sheathed" form, locking and securing the weapon while outside of combat, similar to the safety catch of a firearm.   Dust   Some weapons are shown to be fueled by Dust for a more "magical" style of combat. By doing so, Huntsmen combine the brute force of the weapons themselves with effects like object enchantment and elemental attacks such as weather and nature manipulation.   Most of the known weapons incorporate Dust into their designs, either by utilizing Dust into an attack, or using Dust in the form of bullets or ammunition. All firearms in Remnant use Dust ammunition.
Item type
Weapon, Other

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