
Avandra, also known as Celestian, Kolkorran, and Lady Luck, and known by the title of the Changebringer, is the goddess of change, travel, trade, wealth, and luck. She is the daughter of Erathis and Orsil, and the sister of Yondolla, Nerull, and Zehir. She is the wielder of Drapni, the Fortunate Coin, and the golden sword Aramaphos. She is the patron goddess of Lightfoot Halflings.


Avandra is depicted as red-haired human or halfing woman. She has green eyes, and was usually seen wearing a green cloak.


Above all, Avandra loves adventure and discovery. She was famed for being a trickster, and loved jokes, as long as no one innocent was badly harmed.


Avandra is the youngest daughter of Erathis and Orsil, and the youngest of her siblings. She was born sometime during the Age of Arrival.   Many different myths of Avandra's have been recorded in the Avanied. The most prominent of these is the Birth of Besheba. In this story, Avandra delves into the Abyss in search of treasure. She found the domain of Lupercio, demon lord of greed. However, Lupercio's gates were guarded by a great and loyal servant named Nesomn, who never slept. He told Avandra that he was going to kill and eat her, and she said that he was free to try, but she wished to play a round of cards first. Nesomn, confused, agreed, and they gambled their possessions. Avandra let him win every time, and he got cocky. Then, she offered him a drink. Nesomn smugly accepted, and she poured ale into two magical gourds - one gourd, which she gave to Nesomn, made the alcohol within a thousand times more potent, and the other, which she kept for herself, made the alcohol inside a thousand times less potent. Within a few more rounds of cards, Nesomn got so drunk that he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, and fell asleep. Taking the opportunity, Avandra drew her silver shortsword, Argetphos, and cut off Nesomn's head. It took two swings, and when Nesomn's head went flying, the sword's blade shattered.   Avandra then snuck inside the gates, disguising herself as a demonic servant of Lupercio. When Lupercio notices her, he demands to know why Nesomn has left his post. Avandra, disguised, tells Lupercio that while he was sleeping, Nesomn betrayed him and stole from Lupercio's hoard. Enraged, Lupercio ran outside the gates, where Avandra used her magic to seal him outside. Then, she searched around his hoard, and came across something that caught her eye - a coin, the most perfect gold coin she had ever seen. However, when she touched it, she felt herself almost split into two. Dazed, Avandra looked up to see a new figure in the room; one that looked almost exactly like her, but with red eyes and white hair. She announced herself to be Besheba, and while Avandra would be like the heads of a coin, espousing good luck, she would be the tail side, cursing those with bad luck. Startled, Avandra turned into the form of a swallow and fled with the Drapni.   Another vital myth of Avandra's was the the myth of The First Halflings. According to the myth, Avandra and her older sister, Yondolla were wandering in the woods together, when they found a group of creatures hiding in a hollow tree. These creatures, called Huldra, were invisible, but with their divine eyes, Yondolla and Avandra could see that they looked like short humans with tails and hollow backs. When the two gods asked why the Huldra were hiding, they replied that the world was a dark and scary place, and that they would rather stay where they were. In response, the two gods took the Huldra to a village near a great ruin. Yondolla showed them family and community, and asked them how the world could be so scary when you had people supporting you. Avandra showed them travel and wealth, and asked them how the world could be so dark when you had great adventures to experience. The huldra thought on this, and many were convinced of the two gods' arguements. They wished to join the world at large. Avandra and Yondolla went to their mother, Erathis, and asked for help in giving the huldra concrete forms. Erathis touched a mountaintop with her sword, and from it came a great oasis, the Spring of Renavisa. Avandra and Yondolla took the huldra and immersed them in the water, and when they stepped out, they gained new forms. The two gods then gave them great gifts. Avandra gave them the gift of luck, so they always could rely on getting out of trouble. Yondolla gave them the gift of bravery, so they always stood strong when anything threatened them. With these, the huldra became a new race on the face of Diaghal; Halflings.


As the goddess of adventurers and travellers, Avandra was known as Celestian. Kolkorran was her chaotic neutral aspect of wealth, and she was usually called Lady Luck by gamblers.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Avandra are usually of the Trickery and Knowledge domains. Some chose to exemplify her Light and Arcana aspects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Avandra's symbol is a coin. Many faithful made a special coin to use as her symbol, which had the depiction of a woman on the heads and the pattern of wind blowing on the tails.


Avandra's holy day is Tylia, celebrated on Ocanair 4. It is a celebration of wealth, adventure, and luck. Many aspiring adventurers chose to start their first quest on this day.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good