
Erathis, also known as Boldrei, Amaunator, and Jolith, and known by the title of the Lawbearer, is the goddess of civilization, law, invention, and tamed animals. In the Urbnata Church, she is also the goddess of water. She is the wife of Orsil, and the mother of Yondolla, Avandra, Nerull, and Zehir. The month of Amaunoth is named after her.   During the Dawn War, Erathis was blinded by two arrows shot by Grankhul. Because of this, she is shown wearing a blindfold in religious art.   Erathis was only known to have manifested an avatar once throughout history; a young Mitotlan girl named Itzcuintli who helped the Mitotlans flee Hariwana.  


Erathis appears as a tan-skinned middle aged woman with short brown hair, sometimes tied in a bun. She clad in half-plate armour. In her right hand she commonly holds a sword. In her left, she holds a pair of scales. On her left arm, she wears a type of shield-gauntlet called a clypeum, which is worn by her clergy. She wears a blindfold over her eyes.  


Erathis was sometimes viewed as an uncaring deity by those who were not familiar with her worship, but this could not be further from the truth. Erathis is a goddess who is stern and solemn, yet also kind and merciful.  


See The Firstborn, the Dawn War, Orsil, Itzcuintli  


As Boldrei, Erathis is worshiped as a Lawful Good goddess of community, and as Amaunator, she is worshiped as a goddess of law. As Jolith, she is worshiped as a goddess of protection and war.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Erathis were usually of the Order and Knowledge domains. Some clerics chose to exemplify her War and Forge aspects.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Erathis' symbol are a pair of scales.


Erathis' holiday is Oralia, which marks the end of the Uranysia festival. It is marked as a day of rest and feasting.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old