
Harpies, also called Sirens, are a sentient species with features that are a hybrid between that of a bird and a humanoid woman.  


Harpies are about as tall as the average human or elvish woman. Most have the face of a humanoid woman, with humanoid hair and sharp teeth. The torso of the harpies are also humanoid-like, though some might have torsos covered with fur. The legs of a harpy are more avian-esque. Harpies have claws on their hands and talons on their feet, and wings that allow them to fly.   Harpies were divided into two lineages: Kinna and Alkono. Kinna Harpies had a more humanoid appearance, with their wings being on separate limbs, less feathers, and more human-like eyes. Alkono Harpies, on the other hand, had a more avian appearance, with their arms and wings sharing one limb, more feathers covering their body, and bird-like eyes. It should be noted that these lineages are a scholastic invention; harpies themselves do not differentiate between the two.   All harpies look, and identify as, female. One older theory was that harpies disguise themselves as normal humanoids and mate with a humanoid male. This theory has been disavowed in recent centuries as non-empirical. Dissections now reveal that the “male” harpies look identical to female harpies, but with male reproductive organs instead of female ones.   Harpies are monotremian species, laying eggs but breastfeeding their young. Harpies lay a single egg at a time. Eggs appear to gestate within harpies for a period of about a month, leading to a “pregnant” appearance, before laying them. The prenatal mortality rate among harpies is high. It is unknown whether this is a natural quirk of their biology or if the mother’s high rate of activity during the “pregnancy” phase increases the mortality risk.   Harpies are carnivorous. Harpies particularly enjoy the flesh of humanoids and giants, as they are charming by the harpies’ magical song, and harpies see hunting them as “more fun”. Despite this, there have been a few accounts of a harpy flock co-existing peacefully with another nearby humanoid settlement.   Harpies have the magical ability to charm humanoids and giants when they sing. When charmed in this way, the individual feels a great urge to run closer to the harpy. Harpies use this as their primary hunting method.   Harpy parts, such as their feathers and vocal chords, are useful magical components. Some mages have a reciprocal relationship with harpies in order to obtain their parts willingly, while others hunt harpies for their ingredients.   Harpies reach adulthood at age 2 and live to a maximum of around 50 years old, though many die from violent causes before then.  


Harpies live in small bands of approximately four to twenty individuals, though larger populations have been observed. These bands are known as “flocks” or “rookeries”. They are led by an individual known as a “matriarch” or “matron”. However, the matriarch does little to actually lead the harpies of its flock, instead acting more like an elder who gives advice and settles quarrels. If enough members of a flock are dissatisfied with their matriarch, they will kill and replace her. Harpies that reach into venerable age are often killed and cannibalized by the rest of the flock.   Harpies do not wear clothes, but might choose to wear trinkets and trophies from creatures they killed. In addition to their natural claws and teeth, harpies attacked with scavenged bones and pieces of driftwood, using them as clubs. A few have been observed using bows and arrows that were either looted or crafted.   Harpy religion is rooted more in superstitions and charms than actual doctrine or rituals. Some harpy flocks might worship a single figure, such as a god, demon, or spirit.   Harpies do not speak a language of their own, instead picking up the language of the local area. This language is usually Common.  


The origin of harpies are unknown. Some myths tell of them being created by either Akadi or Pazuzu. Other scholars believe that the first harpy might have been an elf who was cursed, based on some hints in the historical and mythological record.   Harpies appeared only a few times in the historical record until the Arcane Age, where interest in them increased tenfold. It was discovered that harpy parts were valuable ingredients in many magical concoctions, such as rituals and potions.   In the modern day, harpies often prefer to live in mountainous and coastal environments. They are primarily relegated to Tuatha.
Elf (main theory)
50 years, though many die before then
Average Height
4'5" - 6'
Average Weight
50 - 200 lbs

Cover image: by Cecile Carre