
Humans are one of the most populous species of humanoids throughout Diaghal. They are believed to have been the first humanoid creatures in the world, and the physiological basis for nearly every other humanoid species on Diaghal. As such, the classification is named after them.  


Humans can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair colours from black to blond, with curly, kinky, or straight hair. Males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick. They reach adulthood around their late teens and live less than a century.  


Of the many humanoid species of Diaghal, humans are some of the most diverse, and claim the largest number of varying ethnic groups throughout the world. Human ethnic groups include Olcarish, Kanes, Rathin, Lyudian, Nimadu, Chikelan, Pelavish, Ysen, Gwerish, Tekumese, Jaari, Ulfknapa, Mitotlan, Pitiquan, Siacapa, Povula, Thyans, Rouhai, and Tsei’kians.   Humans speak a wide variety of native tongues. Common, the most commonly used lingua franca throughout Diaghal, supposedly originated with the first humans to arrive on Crith, though usually only traders, urban settlers, and nobility in certain nations spoke it as a first language. Most humans spoke the native language of their ethnic group as a mother tongue. Nearly every one of these ethnic languages were considered part of, or partially descended from, the Orsillian language family that Common begat.   While Urbnatism and Shamashine were sometimes considered to be human-based faiths, nearly every religion had human ethnic groups that traditionally practiced it. Prior to the Dawn War, Pelor and Orsil were considered to be culturally human deities, as both were supposedly from the same world that the humans came from, but during the Time of Mortals, both gods were considered deceased. Erathis, though religiously considered a Firstborn Divinity, was sometimes seen as a patron deity of humanity.  


According to myth, humans arrived on Crith approximately 10,000 years ago, from another world via a portal created by the god Orsil. The first humanoids on Crith, their appearance marked the beginning of the Age of Arrival, and they spread out from their origin point of modern day Ahagwuena quickly. During the Age of Arrival, human nations such as the Ysen Empire, the Vaistorians, and Nimana were considered to be some of the most politically and culturally powerful civilizations, along with the dwarven and Giant nations of the time.   After the fall of Ostoria, human cultures spread rapidly throughout Diaghal. As of the 1300s MT, nearly every nation in the Remnants of Diaghal has a majority human population.
<100 years
Average Height
4'10" - 6'4"
Average Weight
114 - 270 lbs