
Westherma, also called Westcairn, is an Ardulese border town on the Arduli-Ahagwuena border. It is based around a fort built during the Khidianan War.  

Government & Defences

The Exarch of Westherma is the nervous and pensive male tiefling Nurettin Zimisces. A delicate man who detests fighting, he is often assisted by the Agha Jennmera Ladoheln. A female Njaronse dwarf from Nkejide, she is courageous, yet inconsiderate. Exarch Nurettin often prefers to spend time in his estate in the town of Kerular, giving authority of the town to Jennmera.   One wall, the Fortress Wall, surrounds the fort at the centre of town. It is made of stone, like the rest of the settlement. Westherma is guarded by seven allegia of the Dicarion Legions. This increased number is by its nature of being on a border.  


Westherma has no resources that it produces. Being a border town, Westherma gets most of its economy from trade.  


Westherma is on the western side of East Khidiana, on the border of Arduli and Ahagwuena. Its sister town is the Ahagwuenan village of Karuguro. It is within the Praetorate of Kerularios. Landmarks in Westherma include:
  • Hearthkeeper’s Blessing - a comfortable inn owned by the manic Grippli man Akri’i and friendly female halfling Tiso Grassheart. The two are in a relationship, but Akri’i was previously married. He was once a monk in the church, but left for some unknown reason. Tiso mostly attends to the bar.
  • The Viridescent Vine - a “flower” shop that sells a variety of interesting plants. It is run by Rugdan, a slow and gentle Orc male. While he mostly just sells magical flora, he does occasionally make elixirs and potions with his plants.
  • Steeledge Supplies - a weapons shop that specializes in swords and sword-shaped weapons. It is run by Ayse Ceylan, a cantankerous female tiefling with a sharp tongue. Despite her very Ardulese name, Ayse was a former soldier in the Ahagwuenan army before moving to Westherma.
  • Church of the Protectors - a Niranist cathedral dedicated to Hadyanos, one of the most popular gods of Westherma. It is managed by the quick and ferocious male Tavanuan Dragonborn Norixius Nyykan. A native of Tegelatan, his zealotry is sometimes looked to as the reason that there are no Congregationalist structures in Westherma.
  • Westcairn Fortress - the fort that the town of Westherma is built around, and the home of the House of Zimisces. It was originally constructed during the Khidianan War.


Westherma began its life as the location that Westcairn Fortress was built at in Inair of 1206 MT, during the Khidianan War. It was continually fortified throughout the war.   When Arduli and Ahagwuena sued for peace, the location of these peace talks was designated to be the fortress of Westcairn. At the talks, the two powers agreed that they would partition Khidiana into the Ahagwuenan “West Khidiana” and the Ardulese “East Khidiana”, with the dividing line between these two regions centred on Westcairn Fortress. Soon after the treaty was signed, settlers came to establish a town around Westcairn, which became known as “Westherma”. As such, this treaty is known as the “Treaty of Westherma”.   After control of East Khidiana was given to Arduli, Shah Kallista gave the territory of Kerularios, named after a town of the region, to Shehzade Vassago, her fourth son. Vassago established the House of Kerularios, named after the town he designated as the province’s capital. However, his son, Praetor Reverence Kerularios, moved the capital to Westherma in 1268 MT soon after he was crowned.   In 1254 MT, the Gloomelian Fever spread to Westherma. In response, Ahagwuena shut down its borders with East Khidiana.   During the Crisis of the Chains, the House of Kerularios threw their lot behind the Phrantzes. After the Siege of Palar however, the Kerularios withdrew their support, and urged the Phrantzes to make peace. This was one of the deciding factors of the Phrantzes' surrender; however, the Mormori still exiled the House of Kerularios and replaced them with the loyal House of Zimisces.   After the fall of the Mormori Dynasty, Shah Euphoria invited the House of Kerularios to once again be the Praetors of Kerularios, but let the Zimisces retain Westherma. The two houses intermarried, cooling tensions between them, and the capital of Kerularios was moved back to Kerular.   With the establishment of the Qamenkas Dungeoneering Society, many Ahagwuenans have now started to move through Westherma to get to the desert, causing a rise in population.
Founding Date
1206 MT
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Westherman, Westcairnian
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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