
Arduli, officially known as the Arduli Dynasty, and also referred to as the Ardulshahir or the Tiefling Realm, is a theocratic monarchy in central-eastern Tuatha. It is bordered by Calania and Fonterre to the north, Ahagwuena to the west, Chikelu to the south, and the Coravian Sea to the east. It is divided into the southern region of Qamenkas and the northern region of Sradesium. Sradesium is further divided into the regions of East Khidiana, Suvilidas, and Asternur.  


Arduli is a theocratic monarchy, led by a Padishah, more often referred to as the Shah. The Shah is viewed as the direct incarnation of Zhalita on Crith, and must claim direct lineage from her. Women (and girls) in the royal family who display sorcerous abilities are elevated within the line of succession. With one exception, the Shah has always been a woman. The Shah is advised by, and married to, a Spahbad, who is viewed as the divine representation of Hadyanos on Crith. Their children are given the title of Shahzade, with the heir apparent given the title of Mirza.   The current Shah is Shah Jezebeth I of the House of Arduli. She technically ascended to the throne at age 13, after the death of her aunt/uncle Shah Euphoria I. Until her 18th birthday, her father, Shahzade Damakel Arduli, acted as her regent. She married Sukarno Anoda, the Pelavish human heir to a Pelavayanish mercantile fortune in 1361 MT. Within Arduli, he is addressed as Spahbad Apollos II. The marriage is political, but the two are known to be good friends. As of 1363 MT, Jezebeth I is 24 years old, and Apollos II is 34 years old. They have no children yet, but are known to be trying.   Assisting the Shah in their rule are the government departments known as the Divan Leagues. These leagues, run by high-ranking noble families, are tasked with running particular ministries of government. The leagues are often named after the house that founded them or was tasked with running them, but the two are not one and the same. Heads of the leagues were referred to as Viziers. The Divan Leagues are:
  • The Royal League, led by Shah Jezebeth I herself, responsible for overseeing military, judicial, legislative, and High Niranist religious matters
  • The Arkron League, led by Vizier Life Arkron, tasked with managing agriculture, pasturage, and hunting
  • The Valhiri League, led by Vizier Carris Valhiri, tasked with managing trade and transportation
  • The Dakdur League, led by Vizier Confidence Dakdur, tasked with managing education and non-Divine magic
  • The Zeyis League, led by Vizier Saygi Zeyis, tasked with managing sport, festivals, and culture
  • The Tahir League, lead by Vizier Decarabia Tahir, tasked with managing construction and architecture
  • The Perramus League, led by Vizier Aazra Perramus, tasked with managing healthcare and hospitality
  •   The territory of Arduli is divided into multiple domains, ruled over by members of the aristocracy. Aristocratic titles of Arduli from highest-ranking to lowest are:
  • Emir, with sovereign emirs ruling over an Emirate (such as the Emirate of Suvilidas).
  • Praetor, with sovereign praetors ruling over a Praetorate (such as the Praetorate of Alvakon)
  • Exarch, with sovereign exarchs ruling over an Exarchate (such as the Exarchate of Setardalia)
  • Pasha, the lowest form of nobility, with most pashas only ruling over small estates
  •   According to Ardulese law, a ruler does not hold ownership over a territory - their noble house does. As such, at the behest of the Shah, a ruler can be striped of their title and have it be given to someone else within their house that is seen as more worthy of that title. As well, Ardulese houses often practice a form of adrogation. Individuals seen as worthy or valued by leaders of noble houses can adopt them into the house, allowing that individual to be able to participate in matters of the aristocracy, such as rule a region as part of the noble house. This adoption must be done with the approval of the Shah, but this is seen more as a formality. These adopted individuals are given the title of Caestus (plural Caestoi). When fully addressed by this title, the house they were adopted to is added afterwards. So, for example, Exarch Ambition Voporix of Fort Casxire would be addressed as Exarch Ambition Voporix, Caestus Tarazou. The title of Caestus, and the benefits that come with it, cannot be passed down hereditarily. When translated into Common, "knight" is sometimes used for Caestus.   Similar to the Caestoi is the rank of Dematos (plural Dematoi). Dematoi are magistrates who manage a settlement with the backing of a noble house, but, unlike Caestoi, are understood to not be a part of that noble house. While only members of a noble house can install Dematoi, some have been installed at the request of the inhabitants of the settlement that they rule. Most Dematoi administer tiny ares, such as villages, that belong to the noble houses. There are also priests who wield secular power in a similar way to Dematoi, called Tarqadios (plural Tarqadioi). Tarqadios power is usually passed between the parish priests of an area, but can be removed at any time by the head of the ruling noble house.   Some areas of Arduli, mostly those in Qamenkas, are instead administered by appointed governors called satraps. Unlike other rulers of Arduli, satraps can be commoners. An example of a satrapy would be Port Euphoria.


    The territory that encompasses Arduli has a long history of powerful nations, and those nations have left behind remnants in their architecture. The earliest architectural style present in Arduli is the Akkhanian style. Constructed by the Age of Arrival Asternurian civilization of Akkha, the Akkhanian style is recognized by its angular structures, its use of columns, and depictions of guardian figures. After the Retreat, the newly emergent Tyfilion constructed buildings in the Magocratic style, named after the period of time in early Tyfilian history when the state was a magocracy. The Magocratic style is typified by its arches, its external ornamentation, and its unique use of space. Soon after Empress Kynthia I overthrew the magocracy and became the first Emperor of Tyfilion, Tyfilion conquered the territory of modern-day Calania, developing a series of cultural exchanges that would influence the emergence of the Tyfilian-Kanic style. The Tyfilian-Kanic style was typified by ornamentation using beaded motifs of orbs in the plaster or stone, smaller windows, pinnacles, and pointed arches. After the rise of the Arduli Dysnasty, a new architectural style came to prominence, characterized by exotic domes, rich mosaics, columns, and its use of marble or stone. This style is known as the Yavanitian style, named after Reverence Yavaniti, the architect that popularized it.   The history of sericulture in the city of Uneipo goes back millennia, and as such, Arduli is well known for its textile industry. The silk produced by Weavemoths, a species of giant moth native to Mount Achaema that have a strange affinity with magic, has been widely accepted as one of the finest materials in the crafting of magical clothing. With easy access to natural dyes from Khidiana, Arduli tailors and weavers create gorgeous silk outfits and furniture coveted internationally.   Arduli is famed for its visual art and calligraphy. Dyes from Khidiana and the Zaspira Sea contribute to the production of coloured ink, as well as special metals and gems from the Suvilidias Plateau and northern Asternur Valley. Valued buildings in Arduli, such as Niranist temples or monasteries and aristocratic palaces, often have detailed mosaics decorating their walls. Ardulese illustrated manuscripts are seen throughout Diaghal as a pinnacle of textual and artistic design. As a result of this, Arduli is slow to adopt the Printing Press, but some illustrators have taken inspiration from the literature of their neighbouring countries, using their talents in the Ardulese illustration style to create comics.   Ardulese people are often seen as competitive, and one way that competitiveness was presented was through sports. Cities throughout Arduli have coliseums that have been continually used since the oldest ones' construction during the period of the Tyfilian Magocracy. These coliseums are used for sports such as horse, foot, and chariot races, wrestling, and regulated gladiatorial matches. In the more aquatic regions of Arduli, swimming and boating races are also a common form of sport, especially around the Zaspira Sea. Board games are a popular pastime throughout Arduli, especially dragonchess.   Ardulese cuisine has been formed by the mountainous terrain of the Asternur Valley and the forested basin of Khidiana. Rice, mostly grown in the Karrai Terraces of southern Asternur, is the staple grain of Arduli. Fruits and vegetables common to Ardulese meals include figs, apricots, plums, pomegranates, dates, eggplants, oranges, lemons, and grapes. Typical meats consumed by the Ardulese people include pork, poultry, lamb, bat, and goat. The most used animal products in meals are dairy from goats, like milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as honey from bees. Spices and other flavourings are widely used in Ardulese cuisine, varying from cinnamon, saffron, anise, vinegar, peppercorns, turmeric, and sugar from sugarcane. In coastal and aquatic regions, Ardulese also consume fish, shellfish, roe, and fish sauce and oil. Popular beverages include salep, made from orchids, and coffee, once grown in Qamenkas, but now imported from elsewhere. Coffee in Arduli is made in the Ardulese style, where the beans are ground very finely without filtering. For much of Arduli’s history, production and consumption of alcohol was outlawed according to Niranist law, but this period of prohibition was finally overturned as part of the Euphoric Permissives during the reign of Shah Euphoria I. While devoted Niranists still refuse to partake in the substance, popular alcoholic beverages in Arduli include grape and plum wine, retsina, and raki.


    Arduli’s largest exports are Weavemoth silk, natural dyes and inks, glasswork, and magical ores. Recent growing trades that have manifested in the past few decades are the exportation of Ardulese alcohol and artifacts retreived from Qamenkas.

    Demography and Population

    Those from Arduli are known as “Ardulese”. People from the mountainous north of Sradesium are known as “Sradesine”, divided further into the “Khidianans” or "East Khidianans" from western East Khidiana, "Suvilidine" from central Suvilidas, and the “Asternurians” from eastern Asternur. Those from the desert south of Qamenkas are referred to as “Qamenkasian''. The largest racial population in Arduli are Khiravi tieflings, with large minorities of Rathin, Thyan, Nimadu, and Kane humans, Njaronse dwarves, Tavanuan dragonborn, and Obolinn orcs. The primary language of Arduli is Ardulese Infernal, but other widely spoken languages include Common, Kanic, Nkejidi Dwarvish, and Tavan Draconic.


    Arduli is divided into two primary regions: the southern desert of Qamenkas, and the northern mountains of Sradesium. Sradesium is further separated into three regions: the western rainforest basin of East Khidiana, the central plateau of Suvilidas, and the eastern river valley of Asternur.   These regions are connected together by the Dynastic Roads, magically-crafted stone highways. Many of the roads in Sradesium were constructed during the time of the Tyfilian Empire, but others were made during the Dynastic era. All of the Dynastic Roads in Qamenkas were destroyed during The Great Charybdis, so all paths of similar construction, such as the ones connecting The Four Forts, were made during the Dynastic Era. Dynastic Roads were also constructed in regions controlled by Tyfilion, such as Nkejide, Karnawne, and Calania, though in those places they are usually called by their older names, such as the Imperial Roads.   Sradesium contains the Ardulese holdings of the Wensuas. Most of Sradesium has a temperate or cold desert climate, with the exception of the Khidiana basin, which is a temperate rainforest climate. The entirety of Qamenkas has a hot desert climate.   Asternur is the oldest and most populated region of Sradesium. It is based around the historically significant Asternur River, which begins at the Iulanar Spring in the north and feeds out into Alavrakuo Bay in the south. Sheltered within Alavrakuo Bay is the port city of Kyanos, the primary trading location of Arduli’s Coravian coast. Upriver from Kyanos are the Karrai Terraces, named for the Magistrate of the Tyfilian Magocracy that initiated the carving of massive rice fields within hills and mountains surrounding the southern reaches of the Asternur River. Overseeing and operating the farms and villages of the Karrai Terraces is the city of Arkron. North of Arkron, the Asternur River splits into the Weeping River, which feeds into the Zaspira Sea. The sea is named for the ancient mythological queen who supposedly drowned within its waters. At the southernmost tip of the Zaspira Sea is the university town of Makaris, which hosts the primary campus of Dakdur University. Separating the Karrai Terraces from the Suvilidas Plateau is the town of Sum. Sum, which literally means “dam” in Ardulese Infernal, is responsible for magically purifying the water of the Asternur River from the runoff of the mines upstream, making it suitable and nutrient-rich for the farms to the south. Further north, where the Asternur and Syndarto rivers diverge, is Kesatolia. The seat of the Shah and the capital of Arduli, Kesatolia began life as a dragonshard mining town, which is still practiced in the regions surrounding it today. The Asternur river begins at the Iulamar Spring, home to the Monastery of Nassellis and the nearby town of Setardalia.   In the center of Sradesium is the Suvilidas region, named for the plateau that covers most of the area. The two primary theories of the Suvilidas Plateau’s existence is that it either formed from a combination of glacial and volcanic pressures, or that it is a ginormous caldera. Regardless, volcanic activity is common within the region. In fact, the name Suvilidas comes from suvira eplidas, “flat glass”, a poetic epithet for obsidian. The largest settlement in the Suvilidas Plateau is the city of Gokolios. Also within the Suvilidas region, but not within the Suvilidas Plateau, is the Syndarto River of the north, and the town of Eokamikon, widely famous for its hot springs.   The western part of Sradesium is encompassed by the rainforest basin of East Khidiana. As the name suggests, East Khidiana is the eastern part of the Khidiana rainforest that Arduli shares with Ahagwuena. The Syndarto river feeds out into Lake Lyxia, on the coast of which is situated the ancient city of Uneipo. According to legend, the practice of sericulture on Tuatha began in Uneipo, when a woman named Archaema discovered the process of making silk from the cocoons of the local Weavemoths. She has been worshipped ever since as a deity, both on her own and as an avatar of Luna, and the nearby eponymous Mount Archaema has been recognized as her sacred site. Further south of Lake Lyxia is Lake Vaphula, and the coastal fishing town of Yuva. Within the centre of the basin is Ichamun, a town famous for its medical studies, and the supposed birthplace of Asmeklepius. On the Ardulese-Ahagwuenan border is the border town of Westherma.   Life in Qamenkas is difficult, and as such, most settlements spring up around lakes and large oases in the desert. Much of Qamenkas is dangerous to traverse, with hazards such as bandits, predators, and magical ephemera like The Circles. While Arduli claims precedent over all of Qamenkas, it only controls a few settlements directly. This includes The Four Forts located on the Sradesine-Qamenkasian Border: Castle Akthos, Citadel Nithza, Fort Casxire, and Fort Temerity, as well as Port Euphoria, the port town on the Coravian coast named after the late Shah. The town of Hukyrix Dikmiza, named for the two lakes it is situated between, has recently joined with the Arduli Dynasty. Independent towns in Qamenkas include Goldcross, which Arduli is currently trying to curry favour with, the closely allied towns of Fortune and Haven, and the towns of Springwater, Ghost’s Hollow, and Dead Man’s Stand.   In addition, a recently arisen state has contested territory within Qamenkas. The Baokish Territories, formed by Yeojin Families fleeing the fall of Hitochi, have founded the opulent city of Fu Baoki. Also known as The Jewelled City, Fu Baoki is famous for its entertainment, casinos, and resorts. The Yeojin families also created the town of Port Sandy south of Fu Baoki, and have claimed the oasis towns of Redpond, Rogue, and Big Dune under their control. Between Fu Baoki and Port Sandy is the Golden Palm Forest.


    The military of Arduli is known as the Dicarian Legions. It is officially led by the Spahrah of Arduli. The Legions are divided into the infantry branch of the Skutatiary Legions, the missile branch of the Toxotiary Legions, the cavalry branches of the Karacataphract (land cavalry) and Avacataphract (air cavalry) legions, the spellcasting branch of the Abyutiary Legions which is split into the divine Theiliary Legions and the arcane Siceliary Legions, the engineering Kusatiary Legions, and the naval Dromiary Legions. Each division is led by a Thematos. The gendarme of Arduli are known as the Asteramlioi. There is also the Asulian Guard, an elite force of warriors and mages, usually made up of orphans trained from childhood or foreigners from distant lands, responsible for protecting the Shah and their family. All members of the Asulian Guard are eunuchs.


    A vast majority of Ardulese practice the state religion of the Court of Niran. After Niranism, other faiths followed include Urbnatism and the Congregation of the Firstborn, especially in East Khidiana. Kanes living in Arduli practice their ancestral religion, Shamashine, which is also the largest minority religion in Qamenkas.


    Adolescent education in Arduli is encompassed by private tutors or institutions, available to those who can afford it. The curriculum of these schools are created and supervised by the Dakdur League. University education in Arduli is encompassed by Dakdur University, which has its primary campus in the town of Makaris. The most well known Niranist seminary is located at the Monastery of Nassellis in Setardalia.


    • Map of Arduli
    Founding Date
    1106 MT
    Geopolitical, Theocracy
    Alternative Names
    Arduli Dynasty, Ardulshahir, the Tiefling Realm
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Monarchy, Theocratic
    Official State Religion
    Notable Members

    Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
    • 1080 MT

      18 Amaunoth

      Night of Torrid Blood
      Metaphysical / Paranormal event

      In punishment for breaking a pact, the archdevil Asmodeus turns all creatures with a substantial amount of ethnic Tyfilian blood in their veins into Tieflings. The Imperial family of Tyfilion, the Algenos Dynasty, was unaffected by the curse, and uncaring to what had happened to its citizens.

      Additional timelines
    • 1080 MT

      27 Amaunoth
      1106 MT

      26 Agoroth

      The Algenos War
      Military: War

      In reaction to the Night of Torrid Blood and the imperial family's callous response, many parts of the Tyfilian Empire declare independence, including the newly formed state of Arduli in Qamenkas. The Imperial throne of Tyfilion declares war on all of them, beginning the Algenos War.

      Additional timelines
    • 1082 MT

      Zhalita Swears an Oath
      Life, Publicity

      According to the Shanaeon, after escaping slavery, Zhalita swears an oath to Amirate and Luna that she would bring justice to the Empire and emancipate its many denizens in chains.

    • 1086 MT

      5 Inair
      1086 MT

      30 Larenair

      Siege of Nithza
      Military action

      Imperial forces attempt to siege Fort Nithza in order to take it from the Salis clan of Aarakocra. The besiegers flee when the revolutionaries send an army to their location. The Salis clan become allies of the Revolutionaries, and are given control of Nithza at the end of the war.

      Citadel Nithza
      Additional timelines
    • 1093 MT

      30 Aramair
      1096 MT

      13 Chauntar

      Ajaxian Seige
      Military action

      During the Algenos War, a battalion of Revolutionaries, led by Commander Basina, laid siege to the city of Arkron, defended by Ajax Lecapanus. The Imperial army held the city for three years, until a group of spies led by Lesal Alprin assassinated Ajax and opened the gate, allowing Revolutionary forces to take the city.

      Additional timelines
    • 1097 MT

      Siege of Valgus
      Military: Battle

      The Revolutionaries siege the town of Sum. During the siege, the Imperial forces destroy the Valgus Dam, washing away the Revolutionary siegeworks. The Revolutionaries break their siege, and the town was never taken by Revolutionary forces during the Algenos War.

    • 1100 MT

      3 Inair

      The Great Charybdis
      Metaphysical / Paranormal event

      In an effort to crush the revolution, Zarmenos the Avaricious performs profane ritual that turns the region of Qamenkas, the rebellion's base of operations, into an uninhabitable, supernatural desert wasteland. Magical phenomena known as Circles appear, whisking those caught inside them away to other dimensions, and bringing those from different worlds to Crith.

    • 1101 MT

      32 Sessar

      Night of Glass Knives
      Life, Death

      The Empire of Tyfilion simultaneously assassinated many of the leaders of the Suvilidine Horde after Akrarg Gneba, leader of Gokolios, allied with the Revolutionairies.

    • 1102 MT

      1106 MT

      Strife of Glass
      Military: War

      After the Night of Glass Knives, the federation of the Suvilidine Hordes fell into disarray. Holothana Ravenstar, a member of the Fhianna elven Ruaqarach clan, was instrumental in reorganizing the various tribes and clans of the Suvilidine Hordes under the Revolutionary banner. They served as the primary Revolutionary force against the Empire in the Suvilidas theatre, lasting until Zarmenos' death in 1106 MT.

    • 1106 MT

      26 Agoroth

      The Fall of the Algenos Dynasty
      Cultural event

      The Revolutionaries finally breach Kesatolia. In single combat, Zhalita and Haydanos slay Zarmenos, bringing an end to the Algenos dynasty, and the Empire of Tyfilion as a whole.

    • 1106 MT

      6 Siamair
      1150 MT

      20 Ronoth

      Zhalitan Era
      Era beginning/end

      On Siamair 6th, Hadyanos and Zhalita marry, formally establishing the Arduli Dynasty. They rule for 44 years, ending when Zhalita and Hadyanos went missing on a diplomatic mission to Pelavayan on the 20th of Ronoth.

    • 1108 MT

      10 Sessar

      Founding of the House of Arkron

      Basina is declared Emira of the Lower Asternur, and creates her own aristocratic house. Being a former slave, she had no surname, and so takes the name from her capital - the House of Arkron.

    • 1109 MT

      1139 MT

      The Thirty Year Sovereignization

      Over a period of thirty years, Shah Zhalita cedes the ancestral territory of the Kanes to Rashad Zammun, who becomes the sultan of the new Sultanate of Calania.

    • 1109 MT

      10 Ronoth
      1109 MT

      6 Agoroth

      The Karrai Dispute
      Military: War

      The newly ascended Shah Zhalita and Vizier Hadyanos give control of Akron and the Emirate of the Lower Asternur to Emira Basina Arkron. However, Lesal Alprin objected, believing that he should instead be rewarded the city for actually being the one to assassinate Ajax and open the gates during the Ajaxian Siege. Their dispute causes a regional civil war that ended when Basina challenged Lesal to single combat to the death, which Basina won.

    • 1117 MT

      1122 MT


      The Ridgelands Feud
      Political event

      After the fall of the Tyfilian Empire, the House of Merula and the Maasruun tribe of orcs both claimed dominion over the region around Eokamikon. Before the dispute could erupt into massive conflict, Shah Zhalita resolved the conflict by intermarrying the two and creating the Praetorate of the Ridgelands.

    • 1118 MT

      Construction of Fort Casxire
      Construction beginning/end

      Shah Zhalita orders the construction of Fort Casxire to defend Arduli's border. It was given over to Lajiang Ye Yun, who Ardulized there name as Exarch Yevun Lascari.

    • 1135 MT

      1136 MT

      Rebuilding of the Valgus Dam
      Construction beginning/end

      Vizier Hadyanos hires the Alddhar clan to rebuild the Valgus Dam. In payment, they become the rulers of the Exarchate of Valgus.

    • 1150 MT

      4 Amaunoth
      1179 MT

      Sarzan Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Sarza, second Shah of the Arduli Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. She rules for 29 years.

    • 1153 MT

      Creation of the Lavra of Purification
      Religious event

      A monk dedicated to Zhalita, Idekath Nightleaf, carves a cell into the Cliffs of Zalkea in Sum. More and more hermits join her, and it eventually becomes the Lavra of Purification.

    • 1154 MT

      Vision of Nassellis
      Celestial / Cosmic

      Nassellis of Trasirmarum, a shepherd, receives a vision of Zhalita and Hadyanos telling him of their apotheosis, and direct him to build a monastery at the Iulamar Spring. When constructing the monastery, he finds the Chain Mitre and the Golden Sabre, the missing Ardulese badges of office. The monastery becomes the Monastery of Nassellis.

    • 1160 MT

      Codification of the Court of Niran
      Celestial / Cosmic

      Shah Sarza finishes the books of the Niraneon, based on the various religious practices and beliefs of the realm. This becomes the state religion of the Court of Niran, and spreads quickly throughout Arduli.

    • 1169 MT

      Setardalia is Established

      After more and more pilgrims flood to the Monastery of Nassellis, they begin to establish a small village outside the complex. Shah Sarza names it as the Exarchate of Setardalia.

    • 1174 MT

      1268 MT

      The Niranist Inquisition
      Religious event

      In the last years of her reign, Shah Sarza creates the organization of the Niranist Inquisition, charged with enforcing Niranist beliefs and oppressing heterodox faiths, excluding Shamashine.

    • 1179 MT

      1220 MT

      Kallistan Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Kallista, third Shah of the Arduli Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. Her reign lasted 41 years.

    • 1186 MT

      Lavran Upkeep of the Valgus Dam
      Civil action

      Shah Kallista gives responsibility of the upkeep of the Valgus Dam to the hermits of the Lavra of Purification.

    • 1200 MT

      16 Aramair

      Yuvanite Rebellion

      A large group of Niranist Yuvanites rebel against their Ahagwuenan rulers in a pro-Niranist coup. The Ahgwuenans put down the rebellion, but use it as a causus belli to declare war on Arduli, starting the Khidianan War.

    • 1200 MT

      18 Siamair
      1210 MT

      29 Samaroth

      Khidianan War
      Military: War

    • 1201 MT

      7 Ronoth

      First Battle of Uneipo
      Military: Battle

      After sieging the city for months, Ahagwuenan and Ardulese forces clash outside Uneipo. During the battle, the Praetor of Uneipo, Derne the Strong, was killed. The Ahagwuenans were beaten back by the intervention of the dragon Palar, who then was named Praetor of Uneipo by Shah Kallista as a reward.

    • 1206 MT

      Destruction of Eokamikon's Erathisite Temples
      Disaster / Destruction

      Many of the Erathisite relics of the Temple of the Healing Waters in Eokamikon are

    • 1206 MT

      3 Siamair

      The Faustin Invitation
      Military action

      During Arduli's second push against Ichamun, Damazile Faustin, the daughter of the ruler of Ichamun, made a deal with Arduli that she would open the doors of the city to their forces provided that they agreed to not harm any of the citizens and that they would overthrow her mother and replace her with her. Arduli agreed, and gained control of the settlement.

    • 1206 MT


      Westcairn is Constructed
      Construction beginning/end

      The fort of Westcairn begins construction. It is continually fortified throughout the war.

    • 1208 MT

      18 Larenair

      The Emergence Invasion
      Military: Skirmish

      During the Khidianan War, a cadre of Ahagwuenan soldiers used Arkron's teleportation circle to attack the city. They were soon repelled, but the action made Arkron relocate their teleportation circle to across the riverbank, and establish the village of Poltheias to guard it. The Emergence Invasion also made Arduli destroy most of the nation's teleportation circles for the duration of the war.

    • 1210 MT

      29 Samaroth

      Treaty of Westherma
      Diplomatic action

      The Khidianan War is concluded with a treaty drafted in the Ardulese fortress of Westcairn. As part of the treaty, Khidiana is partitioned into two regions centred on Westcairn, with Ahagwuena controlling West Khidiana, and Arduli controlling East Khidiana.

    • 1213 MT

      Founding of Nithza
      Construction beginning/end

      A small logging town begins to grow around Fort Nithza, taking its name after the name of the fort. Shah Nija rechristens the fort Citadel Nithza.

    • 1213 MT

      1214 MT

      The Near-War
      Political event

      The Niranist Inquisition, under the command of Shah Kallista, stamp down on public displays of Urbnatist worship in Ichamun, a popular pilgrimage site for Unimical Urbnatists. Eventually, the Inquisition attempted to destroy the cathedral ward of the Asmeklepion. In reaction, the throne of Fonterre sent a warning that they would invade East Khidiana if the building was torn down. The Inquisition halted their progress, and loosened up on their actions in Ichamun. This event marked the beginning of the decline of the Inquisition's cultural and political power.

    • 1213 MT


      The Stadia Initiative
      Cultural event

      In an effort to increase cultural unity and entertainment in the realm, Shah Kallista enacts the Stadia Initiative, commanding the construction of coliseums throughout Arduli. The initiative also reintroduced many sports from the time of Tyfilion, including gladiatorial combat, but with measures in place to prevent needless bloodshed.

    • 1220 MT

      1 Siamair

      Enaction of Thaumaturgic Succession
      Civil action

      With waning confidence in her eldest daughter, Shah Kallista enacts the law of Thaumaturgic Succession, stating that female offspring of the Shah with innate magical ability are automatically favoured in the succession laws of the throne. This made Shah Kallista's middle daughter, Nija, Mirza to the throne of Arduli.

    • 1220 MT

      10 Siamair

      Purah's Coup
      Life, Death

      Incensed by her mother passing her over in the line of succession, Shehzade Purah the Elder, along with a group of sympathetic Asulian Guards commanded by her lover - the Asulian Guard member Ninano Firehair - assassinate Shah Kallista and attempt to crown Purah as the Shah. They succeed in killing Kallista, but are stopped by Shehzade Nija with a legion of soldiers and Asulians. Purah the Elder, along with all members of the Asulian Guard that helped her, are executed.

    • 1220 MT

      27 Chauntar
      1244 MT

      Nijan Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Nija, fourth Shah of the Arduli Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. Her reign lasted 24 years.

    • 1221 MT


      Nija's Revision of the Asulian Guard
      Civil action

      To prevent Purah's Coup from happening again, Nija revises the Asulian Guard, mandating oaths giving up their autonomy, as well as mandatory castration. This mandate also gave the Asulian Guard their iconic theatre masks.

    • 1222 MT

      Independence of the Inquisition
      Civil action

      Because of her disinterest in the organization, Shah Nija makes the Niranist Inquisition a separate organization from the throne. The first Adjudicator, the leader of the organization, is named to be Adjudicator Tayyar Zeyis.

    • 1224 MT


      Introduction of the Nizam System
      Civil action

      Shah Nija introduces the Nizam System, a class of teachers tasked with travelling throughout Arduli to give basic education to the civilians of the realm

    • 1236 MT

      1241 MT

      Torment of the Cinderstorm
      Disaster / Destruction

      Beginning in 1236 MT, the dragon Uxingier begins terrorizing southern Arduli.

    • 1237 MT

      22 Samaroth

      Uxingier Attacks Fort Casxire
      Military: Battle

      Uxingier attacks Fort Casxire, killing many of the soldiers and nearly destroying the fort. The Turrets of the Crag are constructed after the fort is rebuilt.

    • 1239 MT


      Resettlement of Akthos' Inhabitants to Amberhold

      An attack by Uxingier causes an earthquake nearby that revealed a dungeon known as the Amberhold. The displaced inhabitants of Akthos resettled the still-standing buildings of Amberhold.

      Castle Akthos
    • 1239 MT

      10 Inair

      Uxingier's Attack on Akthos
      Military: Battle

      Uxingier attacks Castle Akthos and obliterates the small settlement around it.

    • 1240 MT

      7 Ocanair

      Uxingier Attacks Eokamikon
      Military: Battle

      The dragon Uxingier the Cinderstorm attacks the town of Eokamikon. While the town's magical Lava Wall protects most of the buildings, a large part of the population was wounded or killed. Shah Nija sponsors the Lalla Sanitarium, and orders construction on a proper building for them.

    • 1241 MT

      26 Ronoth

      Uxingier's Binding
      Military: Battle

      After years of attacks, Shah Nija casts a ritual that binds Uxingier to a wide area of Sradesium, making her unable to leave that region. This region is declared as Aptarika, with Uxingier as the "Emira". The battle leaves Shah Nija with afflictions that last for the rest of her life.

    • 1244 MT

      1304 MT

      28 Siamair

      Uzzan Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Nija abdicates the Ardulese throne due to health issues sustained from the fight with Uxingier. Shah Uzza, also known as "Uzza the Prosperous", fifth Shah of the Arduli Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. Her reign lasts 60 years.

    • 1245 MT

      26 Agoroth

      Death of Shah Nija
      Life, Death

      Shah Emeritus Nija passes away due to complications with her afflictions.

    • 1254 MT

      Gloomelian Fever
      Plague / Epidemic

      A potent disease known as the Gloomelian Fever rips through East Khidiana. It dies down when a group of adventurers kill the fiend that was supernaturally spreading the plague.

    • 1268 MT

      Disbandment of the Niranist Inquisition

      Shah Uzza disbands the Niranist Inquisition after internal pressure, external pressure, and views of the organization being outdated. Events that lead to this included the Near-War, the independence of the organization from the crown, and the preaching of Saint Sefika the Advocate.

    • 1272 MT

      Creation of the Minor Pantheon
      Religious event

      Shah Uzza codifies the doctrine of the Minor Pantheon in Niranism, a collection of deities permissible for Niranists to worship while still being subservient to the main Court deities. Notable additions to the Minor Pantheon include Elivhkan and Erathis.

    • 1276 MT

      Rededication of the Temple of the Healing Waters
      Life, Identity

      The Temple of Healing Waters is rededicated to Erathis, though still remaining a Niranist church.

    • 1279 MT

      Creation of the Divan Leagues
      Civil action

      Shah Uzza establishes the Divan Leagues, government ministries run by powerful noble families that offload responsibilities from the crown. Before this, Arduli was considered an absolute monarchy.

    • 1300 MT

      19 Larenair

      Clearing of the Amberhold
      Discovery, Exploration

      The Amberhold is cleared by the adventuring party known as the Honoured Hooligans. A few years after, the Amberhold Adventurer's Guild is founded by the party's veterans.

    • 1304 MT

      23 Inair
      1307 MT

      9 Amaunoth

      Crisis of the Chains
      Military: War

      An unclear line of succession erupts into a civil war between five cadet branches of the Royal House of Arduli, created by Uzza's children. The civil war ends with the ascend of the Mormori Dynasty, and the destruction of the House of Ivreth. See "Timeline of the Crisis of the Chains" for a summary of the events of the war.

    • 1307 MT

      1317 MT

      Amaran Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Amara, first Shah of the Mormori Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. She reigns for 10 years, and was assassinated in 1317 MT.

    • 1310 MT

      The Phrantzes Go Extinct

      The House of Phrantzes go extinct in the female line with the marriage of Praetor Qemuel Phrantzes and Exarch Semyaza Appastola.

    • 1310 MT

      Construction of the Casxire Barrier
      Construction beginning/end

      At the beginning of the Aquamarine War, Shah Amara orders the construction of the Casxire Barrier in order to prepare for an attack by the Tavanuan Khaganate - such an attack never came.

    • 1310 MT

      1322 MT

      Aquamarine War
      Military: War

    • 1315 MT

      12 Aramair

      The Casxire Massacre
      Life, Trauma/ Loss

      On the orders of Shah Amara, all Dragonborn members of the Asulian Guard are positioned at Fort Casxire. The other non-Dragonborn members of the Asulian Guard stationed at Casxire draw their blades in an ambush and kill them all.

      Fort Casxire
    • 1316 MT

      8 Aramair

      Battle of Tousal
      Military: Battle

      A force of Tavanuan marines attempt to slip past Kyanos through Qamenkas and attack Fort Casxire. They are noticed by a soldier named Temerity Keralios, and an allagion of the Dicarion Legions meet them, pushing them back to the coast.

    • 1317 MT

      1321 MT

      Construction of Fort Temerity
      Construction beginning/end

      Shah Kallista II orders the construction of Fort Temerity, overseeing the spot of the Battle of Tousal a year prior. Construction is consistently interrupted by the ongoing war.

    • 1317 MT

      1319 MT

      Shorter Kallistan Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Kallista II, second Shah of the Mormori Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. A minor for the entirety of her two-year reign, she died in battle, ending the Mormori line.

    • 1319 MT

      1330 MT

      Belethian Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Beleth, also known as "Beleth the Peacemaker", first Shah of the Seiriqine Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. She reigns for 11 years.

    • 1319 MT

      9 Ocanair

      Sack of Kyanos
      Military: Skirmish

      The Tavanuan Khaganate sacks the coastal city of Kyanos.

    • 1320 MT

      Ishte Arduli Becomes Exarch of Setardalia
      Civil action

      Shah Beleth makes Shahzade Ishte Arduli, the wife of her only son, Exarch of Setardalia.

    • 1322 MT

      Founding of the House of Nyphedis

      The Ardulese dragonborn war hero Nayax Nyphedis is given control over the Exarchate of Yurakolio, and founds the aristcratic House of Nyphedis.

    • 1324 MT

      Akalinian Strife
      Military: Battle

      After the death of Valafar Akalin, Holothana Ravenstar sieges Gokolios in order to win back her title, supported by the throne of Arduli. Seeing no political support, the House of Akalin surrenders, and Holothana Ravenstar wins her title back.

    • 1326 MT

      1328 MT

      Construction of the Four Forts Road
      Construction beginning/end

      Shah Beleth orders the expasion of the Dynastic Roads to pass between the Four Forts.

    • 1330 MT

      1353 MT

      13 Ronoth

      Euphorian Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Euphoira, second Shah of the Seiriqine Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. A genderqueer, intersex individual and the first non-female Shah of Arduli, they reign for 23 years.

    • 1337 MT

      16 Ocanair

      The Godan Accident
      Life, Death

      The House of Godan, the ruling house of the Emirate of Lyxian Khidiana, die in an accident. They are replaced by the House of Lunarspark. There are many that suspect the "accident" was actually an assassination that took out a major supporter of the previous dynasty.

    • 1343 MT

      Establishment of Port Euphoria

      Port Euphoria, a port in Qamenkas, is established. It is named after the Shah.

    • 1345 MT

      1350 MT

      The Euphoric Permissives
      Political event

      Shah Euphoria passes a series of laws related to loosening religious taboos on laypeople. For the first time since the Sarzan Era, public drinking establishments are permitted by the Perramus League. Prostitution still remains illegal in all forms.

    • 1349 MT

      Rashaani Becomes Satrap of Port Euphoria
      Political event

      Akraimaan, satrap of Port Euphoira, vanishes mysteriously. The Salamander Rashaani becomes satrap in his place.

    • 1350 MT

      Conversion of the Temple of the Healing Waters to a Syncretic Site
      Diplomatic action

      The Court of Niran and the Unimical Urbnata Church agree to convert the Temple of the Healing Waters in Eokamikon to a syncretized Urbnatist-Niranist structure. The Church agrees that no diocese will be set up there.

    • 1350 MT

      13 Agoroth

      Life Arkron Becomes Emir of the Lower Asternur
      Political event

      Life Arkron becomes Emir of the Lower Asternur after the retirement of his mother, Emira Nephira Arkron.

    • 1353 MT

      15 Eldair
      1365 MT

      Jezebethian Era
      Era beginning/end

      Shah Jezebeth, third Shah of the Seiriqine Dynasty, ascends to the throne of Arduli. A minor at the time of their coronation, the realm was in a regency managed by her father until she came of age in 1358 MT. The current era of Arduli.

    • 1353 MT

      2 Sessar

      Ishte Arduli Retires
      Life, Career

      Ishte Arduli retires from the Exarchate of Setardalia and becomes a nun at the Monastery of Nassellis. As her final act, she names Abbess Wivla as Tarqadios of Setardalia.

    • 1358 MT

      30 Amaunoth

      Aramyse Nyphedis Becomes Exarch of Yurakolio
      Political event

      After the death of her father, Aramyse Nyphedis becomes Exarch of Yurakolio.

    • 1361 MT

      11 Agoroth

      Garu Merula-Maasnuur Becomes Praetor of the Ridgelands
      Political event

      After the retirement of his adoptive father, Thistoch Merula-Maasnuur, Garu Merula-Maasnuur becomes Praetor of the Ridgelands.

    • 1362 MT

      Hukyrix Dikmiza Joins Arduli
      Civil action

      The Qamenkasian town of Twin Lakes joins the state of Arduli. Its name is Ardulicized into Hukyrix Dikmiza.

    • 1362 MT

      21 Ronoth
      1364 MT

      Stagitakan Erruption
      Disaster / Destruction

      The volcano Mt. Stagitak has a supereruption in the Suvilidas, causing a volcanic winter. Early mismanagement on the part of the Arkron League leads to a famine in both the Suvilidas and Asternur Valley that lasts for two years.

    • 1363 MT

      Emir Life Arkron Becomes Vizier of the Arkron League
      Political event

      Emir Life Arkron becomes Vizier of the Arkron League after the death of his mother, Kamaria Arkron.

    • 1365 MT

      18 Samaroth

      Exarch Ambition Takes Over Casxire
      Political event

      Exarch Akmus Lascari retires. Having no offspring and declaring no successor, the House of Tarazou selects Ambition Voporix, Caestus Tarazou, as his replacement.

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