Raylan Tallstag

Raylan Tallstag

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Facial Features

Short beard

Identifying Characteristics

Auburn hair with a strand of beads on each side

Special abilities

Can see portals into the Feywild

Apparel & Accessories

Blue-grey cloak, grey tunic, black trousers and dark brown leather boots, a leather strap with a pendant from Yondalla's House of Orphans, an red enamel cloak pin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born and raised in Sandcoral, a port town in the southwest. My father was a merchantman and my mother was the ship's captain. Or at least that's what I'm told. I was orphaned at age 4. I was told they were lost at sea, but sometimes I wonder if I was just left behind. I was raised in Yondalla's House for Orphans. Yondalla was great, but I just didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the orphans. When I was old enough to wander the city, I met Brangeon. He and his parents were elves. We would go into the forest and to hunt and play. But, I kept seeing things in the forest, including what appeared to be tears in the scenery. They would shimmer pink, blue, and purple. Brangeon told me those were portals into the Feywild. He also told me that the veil between the mortal plane and the Feywild was thinner near Sandcoral than most places. He taught me Sylvan so one day we could go through the portal. I can't remember how it happened, but I found myself in love with my best friend. Brangeon felt the same but wasn't sure how his parents would feel about him being in love with a human male. He explained the politics behind it but it didn't stop us from taking the portals into the Feywild to be alone with our curiousities and passions. Little did we realize that the Fey in the Feywild would have been more brutal than the eyes of disapproving parents. One visit into the Feywild, we came across a large house. It looked inviting, and the weather had turned so we rushed to the door and knocked on it. We were greeted by people who appeared to be Elves like Brangeon. They invited us in and fed us. The next thing we know, we're in a cellar with torture devices, both traditional and magical. I.... I can't describe the scene. It pains me too much, but I still have nightmares about it Somehow, I escaped. Still, to this day, I'm not sure if it was my skills that saved me, or they wanted me to escape. But I did. I ran out to the forest and called to the Dryads for help. Then the Pixies and Brownies. I called to everyone and anyone I could for help and... no one came. I yelled in Common, I screamed in Sylvan. No one. That is when I decided that the Fey didn't care about mortals. So, I tore off a branch from a tree and ran back. I was met with no resistance. When I got to the cellar, I say Brangeon. Dead. His corpse disscataed. I'm not sure what happened. I'm not sure I want to know. Scared, not knowing what to do,I ran away. I ran out of the portal to the Feywild and I ran far, far away from Sandcoral. I didn't even think to take Brageon's body out of the house so he could have a proper burial. Something I regret to this day. I finally stopped running when I got to the city. Looking for work, I found a flyer for a bounty on a Quickling. Brangeon and I had seen a few of these in Feywild, so I knew what to look for. I tracked my quarry and went after it with my dagger. Not the brightest move, but in the end, my will to survive was slightly better than its. I brought the body as proof of my successful hunt and the bounty giver suggested that I use the money to invest in a crossbow. Accurate. Deadly. More handy in a city than a traditional bow. I got lots of practice with it, taking bounties on all sorts of creatures and people. But whenever there's a bounty on a Fey, I grab it with gusto. Now five years away from Sandcoral I eventually want to make my way back and eradicate all of the Fey so they can never hurt any mortal ever again.

Gender Identity

Identifies as male




General education in Yondalla's House of Orphans, Sylvan from Brangeon, street smarts from new city.


Bounty Hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is well-known for his tracking skills, especially against Fey bounties.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to save Brangeon

Mental Trauma

Being orphaned at age 4 and unsure if it was death or abandonment; losing best friend and lover to Fey creatures

Intellectual Characteristics

Generally logical and street smart.

Morality & Philosophy

Give a good enough reason and a good enough payment, he will do it, but he won't kill for fun, either his own or anyone else's.


Fey of all types

A tawny-skinned human with the ability to sense portals. After witnessing the demise of his best friend and lover at the hands of fey creatures, he became a bounty hunter to get paid to do what he enjoyed: killing all Fey.

Current Location
View Character Profile
True Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common and Sylvan


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