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Raylan Tallstag

Level 6 Human True Neutral Ranger
(Urban Bounty Hunter)
/ 47 HP

A tawny-skinned human with the ability to sense portals. After witnessing the demise of his best friend and lover at the hands of fey creatures, he became a bounty hunter to get paid to do what he enjoyed: killing all Fey.

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Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Raylan's history, from the beginning to today.

Reached Level 6!

After a few tough battles, Raylan reached level 6. Time to favor some aberrations!

08:23 am - 24.06.2020

River and me chasing after a Green Hag into this portal. Whoops...

08:22 am - 24.06.2020

Who is - rather was - that elf? He seemed so familiar. Why can't I place my finger on where I knew him from? River and I are stuck in the Shadowfell, and though the map points to a portal, that clever Tabaxi has convinced me it is better to find out what is going on here than to return to the Material Plane. I hope she's right. If not, it will be a waste of time and our sanity. Though we did get in a few good games of dice with our carriage driver, Tim. We also broke into the Deck of Fates that I acquired from the Foundation. River pulled the card "Unbalance" and it seems that the poor kitty is now having difficulties keeping that balance. Tim pulled "Awareness" so I guess we'll see what that's about. And I got "Storm." Needless to say, it's not storming and despite it raining, River has taken the reins since she can see in the dark and neither Tim nor I can. I guess we'll play a few more rounds of dice while we wait for the storm to pass.

07:59 am - 24.06.2020

I know that Tabaxi isn't telling me everything and now she and I are stuck here on a different plane. That Hag kept mentioning the Fey War. What war? Aren't all Fey the same? And what did the Hag mean by saying River is a false Fey? I must figure this out. And how did she know about Brangeon? She said she spoke with his parents. I wonder how she came to know them? She must have been to Sandcoral. She recognized my medallion. How I wish... How I wish I could just forget all of this. How... how could fate be so cruel. Speaking about fate... I acquired a book and a deck of cards. A Deck of Many Fates. I'm nervous to try it. With my luck, something bad is bound to happen. But what if.... what if for once something good happens? Gah. Raylan, don't think like that. Be realistic.

07:11 am - 08.06.2020

I'm now under the employ of the Foundation and I've been assigned a number, D-2274. I will call it an Employee ID number. I had one of those for a bounty guild I did a few bounties for, so it's nothing new to me, but I didn't have the ID number tattooed on me for that one. Anyway, If the pay is as good as they say it is, then I just may stay on. However, I hope that for future work, I'm not paired with that Gnome or that Tabaxi. The Gnome is a loose cannon, especially around Kobolds. That Tabaxi, however... she seems nice but there is something more than meets the eye. She says she's a Bard, but she was firing off cantrips that I've only seen from a Warlock. And she glowed faintly orange. While I've never seen a Tabaxi of her species, I doubt they glow without magical means.

06:42 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Raylan.

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Other Characters by LadyMetaRose