Rowan Willow Timbers

Rowan Willow Timbers

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Facial Features

Scar on left cheek, big Gnome nose and eyes

Special abilities

Darkvision, can speak to small animals, can cast Minor Illusion, though usually doesn't.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I had a great childhood! There was my mother, Orla; my father, Roodar; my brother, Eldon and me. Both of my parents were engineers in our clan. I was supposed to follow in their footsteps, but I was never quite adept at traditional engineering. I apprenticed with my mom, and it was okay. It was my lineage. But that all changed during my coming-of-age party. For Gnomes, that's 40 human years. Anyway, I ended up being orphaned on the day of my coming-of-age party. Sure, we don't really say that we're orphaned when we're adults, but losing ones parents doesn't feel great at any age. Anyway, my village was attacked by kobolds. Rotton little draconids, always trying to raid and destroy our villages and enslave our people. I was absolutely devestated when one of those things killed my mom that I went into a tizzy. I don't fully recall what happened, but I recall taking a pickaxe head and attaching it to a rope on a stick. I guess the engineering lessons paid off. The rest is all a blur of seeing my family and friends from my village dead and everything destroyed. I think I went into another tizzy which resulted in me waking up in a meadow with squirrels surrounding me. They led me to a different gnome village called Oakenmeadow. Telling them what I could about the events, they took me in. After some time, they decided to harness the power of my tizzies and had me train to patrol the village alongside the squirrels. The squirrels of Oakenmeadow have a symbiotic relationship with the Gnomes there. The Gnomes ensure the squirrels have food an the squirrels warn the Gnomes of any threats. Usually, we hid using magic, but now with me watching, and eventually gaining others in the ranks, we could be defensive instead of merely evasive. One of the first people to be trained to fight along side me is my best friend, Warryn. he actually helped me develop my shield, by testing it and explaining the weaknesses and strengths. I also worked on my flail design. After nearly 9 years in Oakenmeadow, I decided I needed to leave. After everything, I just felt like I don't belong anywhere. I know I'll always have a home there with the squirrels and Warryn, but I needed to find answers for myself. So I left and decided to work with a group of people involved in some mines. really enjoyed myself. I felt important actually having people to protect. Not to mention that I became a very skilled javelin thrower. We fought against Dragon Cultists. I'm just surprised we never came across any Kobolds in our adventures. They were pretty common where I lived. Speaking of Draconids, I even worked with a Dragonborn, even though he reminded me of Kobolds and was too stupid to actually perform his duties as a Cleric. Well, more chaotic, and we don't need any more chaos in this world. Eventually he got into a fight with the other Cleric, Akiah, in our band of adventurers and we all ended up parting ways. I miss Wren, a roguish Halfling who liked to do crazy things like pet a dragon's nose! And Breyna, a Forest Gnome like me who was a Druid and changed into just about any animal you could think of! Those Clerics though, I could do without. So here I am with my pet squirrel and friend, Eich, and we'll hopefully get to the bottom of why I have tizzies like I do, though I've noticed the more I travel, the more creatures I kill, the worse the tizzies get. Worse yet, I like it...

Gender Identity

Identifies as female.




Basic education until pre-adult. Apprentice in engineering to her morther, Orla Timbers.


Currently none, previously employed as patrol member of Oakenmeadow, and apprentice to mother, Orla Timbers.

Mental Trauma

Lost her family in a kobold raid, now experiences "tizzies" or incidents of rage.

Intellectual Characteristics

While she was an average engineer, she has developed interesting weapons out of local materials and designs. She is failrly intelligent, but not very wise.

Morality & Philosophy

Tries to be lawful and tries to be good, but her "tizzies" may cause her alignment to shift. She currently believes all draconids are either evil or stupid.




Family Ties

Roodar (father, deceased), Orla (mother, deceased Eldon (brother, deceased)

Religious Views

She worships Garl Glittergold, God of all Gnomes, and tries to be good and abide by the law.

Hobbies & Pets

Eich is the name of her current pet squirrel. When not taking care of him, she tries to design new weapons and shields inspired by Oakenmeadow.

Rowan is an inordinately strong Forest Gnome who witnessed the destruction of her home village, causing her to have fits of rage she calls "tizzies." She began adventuring to try to control them but has discovered that her tizzies have only gotten worse.

Current Location
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Gnome and Common


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