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Rowan Willow Timbers

Level 6 Forest Gnome Lawful Good Barbarian
/ 61 HP

Rowan is an inordinately strong Forest Gnome who witnessed the destruction of her home village, causing her to have fits of rage she calls "tizzies." She began adventuring to try to control them but has discovered that her tizzies have only gotten worse.

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The major events and journals in Rowan's history, from the beginning to today.

Wow! What a day, and I'm not even tired yet!! Mr. Lipton and I fixed the scorched lift, and then it was getting dark and I found a... well, it was like a dungeon but really fun!!! I interrupted a counseling session between monsters (I felt really bad about that especially since I knocked a guy's head off and an orc was crying). Then I ran into a meeting, and actually helped some nice skeleton businessmen with a way to make money off of dungeons. They gave me some gold, then I wandered into a shop that was kind of sketchy so I went across the hallway and ran into a casino. Gambling's not really my thing, but Mr. Lipton really liked it. And he gave me back double the money I gave him! Nice guy! Then I got introduced to coffee!!!!! That may be the reason why I'm not tired yet. I had two Extra Talls. I thought it would be funny since... well... I'm short. Hehe! Then I ran into a game room and I beat a nice elf girl at a game called Dance Dance Revolution! Didn't do so well against a boy in Wizard's Quest 5, but I did beat the dragon in the last game and got to put my initials on the game! RWT! That was cool!!! Then I ended up in an octagonal fighting ring! None of the competitors saw me coming! Well, it didn't help that my first opponent was a Kobold... that sent me into a tizzy that I never got out of. Then I became known as Rowan the Barbarian! And now me, and Mr. Lipton, and Dr. Vulk and Ruffles all get to stay in this very nice suite at the top of the tower and I can see for miles!!! I hope River and Raylan are having just as much fun as I am!

08:36 am - 24.06.2020

Reached level 6!

After a few tough battle, Rowan reached level 6! Time for more RAEG! I mean, tizzies.

08:28 am - 24.06.2020

This is me as I went into a tizzy after seeing that Kobold. I don't even remember how that all happened.

08:27 am - 24.06.2020

Today has been an interesting day. We woke up to Sargent Graft yelling out the wake up call and River asking for coffee. She's funny. We started out to Site 97 and River and I took a detour to a village that contained one lizardfolk man named Dik. He implied that he wanted to eat me, but River had me tear down his neighbor's house to prove that I am more than just food. I didn't realize some people find Gnome to be tasty. We left unscathed and with a little more information about the pink vampire beings people keep talking about. Then we ran into three of them! One got away but we got the other two. River and Raylan investigated them and determined that they were in fact not like normal vampires. They had a weird bug in them. Then we came to the elevator Doctor Volk was telling us about and there were two elves trying to life cargo to the top. We helped and then found out they weren't elves at all! It was a hag and a zombie! Then another zombie, an ogre and a dog came after us! After subduing most of our enemies, the Hag went on about how to Unseelie Fey will win the war. It's been a while since I've had contact with Fey creatures, but Unseelie Fey are definitely not ones I want to make friends with. Raylan and River seemed to be on the same page, but I think Raylan doesn't like any Fey for whatever reason. He decided to try to follow the Hag into the portal under the elevator wall and River followed him. Then the Hag came back damaged the elevator, killing herself in the process and trapping River and Raylan in the portal. So here I am with Doctor Volk, James and Ruffles. Hoping River and Raylan are okay. River mostly, but Raylan is still part of this group.

06:50 am - 08.06.2020

If you put a Kobold into play, you're gonna have an angry Rowan. Unfortunately, I rolled a total of 3 Critical Fails for Rowan during the battle that led to hilarious results. First, she trips and falls into a pit of bloodied bodies, falling prone. Then she hits a barrel of oil with her flail, which busts open and catches fire, making it a real hot battle. Finally, she gets a string of attacks where she kills the Kobold, one of his bandit friends and smashes a wheel off of a cart that causes fire to spray onto the cart, startling the horse, who charges Raylan and another bandit. The horse tramples the bandit and Raylan kicks him in the teeth, dealing the death blow. So, nearly a three-shot in one set of attacks from this little firecracker. I wonder if Arkman is going to put in any more Kobolds now or not.

07:21 am - 26.05.2020

Oh Garl! Oh Garl! What have I done? I'm a prisoner! Well, a prisoner now hired out for an escort mission... but what did I do to get here? And what happened tonight? I saw a Kobold and... I couldn't stop myself. The next thing I knew there were bodies all around me, then fire, then this huge wolf that breathed ice! He was bigger than me! Though... not much isn't. Both of the people I'm working with are nearly twice my height. I think the cat lady IS twice my height. I wonder where Eich went, too. I hope he's safe. I hope he went back to Oakenmeadow. I... it's snowing here! Whew, that tizzy really wore me out. I'm going to sleep now.

07:01 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rowan.

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Other Characters by LadyMetaRose