Wailing River

Song-Spinster Wailing River (a.k.a. River)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slender with musculature similar to a gymnast.

Body Features

Head and tail similar to a cheetah; has fur and claws on all digits.

Facial Features

Face like a cheetah with dark markings under the eyes to frame the muzzle; large nostrils enlarged feline-like teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Fur pattern is like a Striped King Cheetah.

Physical quirks

Likes to chase prey, play with a ball of yarn, do acrobatics, play the lute, and gets twitchy when she finds something new to pique her interest.

Special abilities

Can cast bard and warlock spells, has darkvision, feline agility, can speak Sylvan along with Common and Tabaxi.

Apparel & Accessories

Has a purple hat with a white swan feather, a corsalette, capri pants, and several blouses. Sometimes wears a long leather vest or hooded cape. She has a bracelet and necklace made by her sons that she keeps her hour pouch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My twin sons, Bamboo and Baobab, were taken by slavers during a raid on my village. This was when I was out hunting. I decided to go after the ship. Weeks went by and I came across a reef. There was the ship. Wrecked. Bodies were all over the island. All aboard had drowned, including my sons. I buried them on that island. And I buried any thoughts of returning home along with them. I continued to cross the sea. The currents led me to a small port town, Sandcoral. I spent time at Yondalla's Home for Orphans, trying to heal from the pain and helping the children. This didn't last as long as I would have liked as my heart was weary. I met a troupe of troubadors. They found me exotic and so they invited me to join them in their travels. Hearing the songs, I became entranced and wanted to learn how to sing and play an instrument, as well. They gladly showed me. In spite of their kindness, I knew it had to end. One night, after a show, one of the members caught a young boy, a street urchin, taking a couple of copper pieces out of the bag. He started whipping the child soundly. I could not bear witness and be unaffected. So, I grabbed a rapier used in the sword swallowing act and cut that troupe member down. Not wanting to be associated with people who would abuse a young child over something as worthless as money, I left. A time later, I came across a Satyr named Flit Mill-Rock at a tavern. She was drunk and dancing joyfully to my songs. I was taken by her appearance and lifestyle. I wanted to get to know her better. We b, we became friends and she taught me to use the panpipes and how to speak Sylvan. This inadvertently caused my music to be imbued with magic. And we took joy in mocking any hecklers we had. She also got me into the taste of mead. I don't drink often, but when I do, there's a reason why. Then one night, Flit was gone. I'm not sure what happened, but she didn't leave a note or say anything to me. Just like her, I moved on. One night during a bad rainstorm, I wandered into a barn. I heard fluttering and talking in Sylvan. I discovered I was sharing the barn with a Pixie, named Baccara, then a Dragoborn named Serenity and a Dwarf named Hendrick! For some reason, we decided to travel together to the next town after the rain let up. We eventually went on a journey to save the world and the Fey from an evil spider and along the way, guess who I found? FLIT!!!! Oh, she tried hard to seduce Hendrick for the both of us, but every time, our attempts were thwarted. Besides, Hendrick was a nice Dwarf. He was going to help me talk to my sons one last time... but things happened and we never got around to that. He's now the leader of a city for necromancers and their undead. Oh, I forgot, I get so distracted at times. I joined the College of Glamour, which was exciting. Not many non-fey are admittied. And then Damh - the bard for the Seelie court and a demi-god- decided he wanted to give me the powers to be a Warlock. That ended up great, because during our holidays in Sandcoral, I wound up getting the party into a Fey War. Well, Damh did, but I dragged the party into it by association. So, that was great. I later found out that one of the Dryads of the forest was killed during that time. Of course, Flit, Baccara and I were all together and we didn't kill anything other than the cultists in the house. Hendrick wouldn't have provoked an attack, so either Serenity or this new member to our party, a Tiefling named Arkzire, must have provoked it. Based on what I saw 3 weeks later, I believe it was Serenity, as she also provoked an attack by superiorly armed sailors. Call it pregnancy brain, call it stupidity, whatever you want, but you don't provoke attacks when you're pregnant! She and I had quite a few words, but the last thing I remember was being in a carriage and her trying to convince me to forgive her...

Gender Identity

Identifies as female due to being a mother. Had she not had cubs, she would identify as non-binary.


Pansexual, but prefers men.


Basic education and survival on Zwakop'un. Trained on the lute, singing and rapier by some travelling troubadours. Trained in Sylvan and pan pipes by Flit Mill-Rock. Accepted to the College of Glamour.


Travelling bard and sword for hire; Patronized by Damh, bard of the Seelie Court.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became Bard for the College of Glamour; successfully subdued fey-foe Trabithar

Failures & Embarrassments

Allowing the captain of a vessel for the Ships Templar be killed in cold blood

Mental Trauma

Her sons were taken as slaves by Drow, but the ship went down near a reef due to a storm (since it was Storm Swell, after all). Some days her grief drives her to depression, drinking and sex.

Intellectual Characteristics

Loves trivia, music and magic. Always on the search for a new topic to study.

Morality & Philosophy

River protects anyone she thinks of as innocent, such as children and fey creatures, and will kill to protect them, even if killing isn't the best solution to the problem.


Child abuse of any sort; generalized hatred of any specific species/race.

River is a striped Acinonyx Tabaxi who, after losing her sons, ended up on the continent where she pursued much learning about music and magic. She is now a College of Glamour Bard and Warlock to the Archfey Damh.

Current Location
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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fur color is tan with long black spots that look more akin to stripes. Some would suggest she reminds them of a King Stripe Cheetah.
200 lbs
Known Languages
Tabaxi, Common, and Sylvan but wants to learn Dwarvish.


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