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Song-Spinster Wailing River

Level 4/2 Tabaxi Chaotic Neutral Bard/Warlock
/ 39 HP

River is a striped Acinonyx Tabaxi who, after losing her sons, ended up on the continent where she pursued much learning about music and magic. She is now a College of Glamour Bard and Warlock to the Archfey Damh.

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The major events and journals in Wailing's history, from the beginning to today.

Reached Level 6!

After a few tough battles, River reached level 6! Her patron, Damh, will probably be paying her a visit.

08:16 am - 24.06.2020

*singing* Stuck in the Shadowfell with you/Stuck in the Shadowfell with you. I can't say that I trust Raylan. Then again, I'm not quick to trust anyone. Or at least I like to believe that. I did end up trusting Flit quickly, but she was just so innocent. Anyway, I hope by talking to him more, he'll realize not all Fey are bad. But I doubt he actually trusts me much either. After all, I'm a Fey ally and my patron is none other than Damh himself. Who, by the way, came to me in my dreams. Now I know Detect Magic and can cast it at will, as well as my Eldtrich Blast has become more powerful, so that's nice of him. I'll definitely need it in the coming adventures here and back on the Material Plane. Raylan seemed to have recognized that elf he wanted to save. Was it possibly Brangeon? I doubt it. That would be a cruel twist of fate. Much like me being unable to balance... but that happened. My ankle still stings from that. Good thing we have a long cart ride.

08:11 am - 24.06.2020

This is what it looked like when I ignited the cart that was on the bridge. The explosion was fantastic! I sure hope it did the job intended.

08:00 am - 24.06.2020

Well, what a fine kettle of fish that Fey-hating Bounty Hunter Raylan got himself and me into. That portal he went into? Not the Feywild. And now we can't get back out. I mean, his logic was sound. If only I had reacted, maybe that Hag would be dead and we wouldn't be here. I hope Rowan, James and Dr. Volk will be okay. Actually, I'm not sure how I feel about Dr. Volk right now. He definitely knows more about this vampire situation than he's letting onto. Keter Vampires. Can't say I ever heard of them but based off of what Raylan and I saw today... it's not pleasant. And Damh! Damn you for getting me into this Fey War! I'm not even an actual Fey. I'm a Tabaxi! I just... I just became an honest to goodness Bard through Fey magic. But I did acquire a fun looking item. An Atomic Ray Gun. They say it's for children. I wonder how my boys would have liked it. We don't use guns on Zwakop'un, usually just javilins, spears, bolas or our own claws and teeth. Sometimes the Rosies use chakrams, but not guns. Too bad I'll never know how Bamboo and Baobab would fair.

07:03 am - 08.06.2020

Woke up today in a cell with a number branded into my arm. Nula, it hurts! My heart raced as I thought I was made into a slave. Well, it turns out, it's not too far from the truth. I guess we are given the choice, and I definitely questioned Drs. Volk and Mace, as well as Sgt. Graft about how mutable the terms of this arrangement is. Not as much as I'd like, but given the nature of their work, I guess it is understandable. I am interested, however, in seeing more of the artifacts their "organization" uncovers. They have definitely piqued my curiosity. Of course, this has to be a group effort. I'm partnered with Rowan, who I believe is a Forest Gnome, who has a sociopathy against Kobolds, and Raylan, who was called Human, who seems to be in it for the money and for himself. He didn't even think to try to break us out of the cells on the boat though he was able to teleport out of his cell. That was clever. I'm wondering if I'll ever have the chance to learn how to do that. It could have been useul given Mage Hand didn't work. Oh well, I was able to convince the little Gnome to break us out with her brute strength. Who would have thought a Gnome could be so strong? I'm still wondering, though, what happened to my last group I was with?

06:54 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The Cells

06:35 am - 26.05.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Wailing.

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Other Characters by LadyMetaRose