Arcanstille Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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"Perhaps it's not the largest or the most beautiful city in Renata, but I doubt you will find anyone here who'd rather live anywhere else"
— canoness Gretta


The city is nominally ruled by Karabir the Binder but is run on a day to day basis by the Bishop of the Grand Cathedral of Karabir The Binder. There is a city council which aids the bishop in his job.


There is a curtain wall around the city. The garrison of knights and militia are always ready to leap into action. Many of the temples in the city double as castles and forts.


The city is notable for its paved roads and functioning sewer system. It is built mostly in brick, and a curtain wall protects the city.

Guilds and Factions

Different churches, abbeys and monasteries compete for influence with the living God and his Guardians.


The city was founded more than a thousand years ago but only grew truly great after Karabir the Binder made it his home after he was expelled from the Ordering. In the years since it has grown to become a large but clean and healthy city.


Mostly brick houses.


Sits besides a large river, surrounded by farmland.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Life
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization

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