Ark Ship Vehicle in Renata | World Anvil
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Ark Ship

"I have seen many wonders over my long years of travel and adventure, but never have I seen anything more impressive than the sight I saw off Oberalden. Seven Great Arks I saw there, lashed together and built over such that it was a city on the water. How many lived there I do not know, ten thousand or more."
— Sir Matthias of Sinford
  These great ships are the backbone of Dead Sea Collective power in Renata. They serve as mobile bases for the launching of raids, and as an unassailable refuge from the armies and fleets of the other powers. Some Ark Ships serve as the headquarters and homes of the various powerful warlords of the Collective. Control of such a ship grants these warlords the vassalage of the many ship captains dependent on the Ark for shelter. There is often fierce rivalry and scheming for control of arks, and any warlord in control of one must watch his back for fear one of his dependents might stage a mutiny.   Arks come in two basic flavors. There are War Arks and City Arks. War Arks are singular great ships capable of sailing under their own power, and docking in large ports. They are used for the purpose of launching raids. These Arks usually measure from 400 ft to 600 ft in lenght and around 100 to 250 feet wide. City Arks are incapable of moving under their own power. City arks are normally created by taking two or more old War Arks. These are placed side by side and built over until they resemble an enormous catamaran. These floating cities are normally anchored and stay fixed, or they move with known ocean currents or are towed by fleets of smaller ships.
Great Ships, Floating Fortress

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