Khalesar The Waterwalker Character in Renata | World Anvil
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Khalesar The Waterwalker

The Waterwalker Kuron Dreamhoof (a.k.a. Wildwine (before the rebellion))

"Freedom cannot be given, you must claim it! Those too weak to break their chains do not deserve liberty."

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

  Kuros was born into a family who were part of the first tribes during the unification. Although it was recognized the first of sin had their own ranks of military, before the creation of the Guardians. Most of his early life is uncertain, but judging from the scholar Fidl Crasto's scrolls "The Sinful Servant" it is assumed that his daily life would consist of training to become an aspirant. However this may not have happened as the first army was disbanded shortly after the unification. What little knowledge there is of his early life is found in the diary of one of his fellow aspirants Karn "Gabjin" Banehoof (the diary of Karn was attempted destroyed for its heresy, but has been saved from certain destruction).   From what is written in the diary they were close friends and wished for better lives for themselves and their families within Solace, by becoming Guardians. Together they managed to pass the Aestimium and were accepted as initiates. Karn also writes that they were hindered constantly from being promoted within the ranks. Both ended up serving as standing soldiers, and it would take almost 20 years before they both became Legatus Legionis. After some time serving as Guardians Karn became disillusioned with how both the gods and the guardians were ruling. It would take time but Karn ended up convincing Kuros to his way and they both agreed that they would do something about it.   During their time it was never confirmed, but it is assumed that they were both planning to rid themselves of mortality. From what is written by Crasto and the poet Joanna Lyn in her play "The Great Scheming" it is also speculated that they both were gathering support from a few other Guardian members, and from the lesser classes. During the great scheming their intentions were never revealed, and both Guardians and Gods believed they were only questioning how the world was ruled. Their scheme would almost come to an end when Kuros and Karn were put on trial for possible heresy. Karn would take the fall for all his conspirators when he told them all.   "I was the first to doubt, I continued the original sins from our ancestors and let it fester. Do not let my vile tongue and its lies to be the downfall for those who still believe, but question. Show them the error of their ways and let me be the symbol of what was wrong with the world. Let my brethren be the symbol of what is possible when they fall on doubt, a symbol of retribution".   Karn would be executed for his transgressions, and Kuros was spared such a fate. He did not lose his title or status, but was cheered for not straying from the true way that the gods set forth. As Joanna Lyn tells in the second half:   "His journey on the path of rebellion had begun. He had taken the first fatal step, but it was no grand step. It was a step made in secrecy".  


  During the first The Crimson Plague and The First Scourge Kuros began spreading the seeds of doubt within people. He had been secretly pushing for the establishment of a free city that was ruled by the people and not the gods. Both Guardians and Gods began to suspect something, since Kuros was far older than any other Guardian. He had changed his name to Karnos in honor of his fallen brother, which was a slap in the face towards the gods and their trial. Karnos would help in the establishment of Apex. The city began to prosper in the beginning, but he soon noticed the meddling and limitations placed by the gods made it all but impossible for the city to survive.   Enraged he finally stepped out of the shadows and went into open rebellion against the gods and their rule.


Kuros became an initiate in [redacted].


Kuros served as Legatus Legionis from [redacted] to [redacted] he would serve in that position until his great betrayal.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Karnos would succesfully lead the rebellion to victory against the gods and would lead his armies across the seas.
Current Location
Year of Birth
201 1871 Years old
Bright Orange
A large black mane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown fur
9 ft.
450 .lbs
Ruled Locations

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