Ashen Islands Geographic Location in Renata | World Anvil
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Ashen Islands

"Never have I seen such a desolate and hostile place, and I've been to Okkawa"
— Valerian the Explorer


These islands are the north-most inhabited lands in Renata. There are four large islands and a number of smaller ones within the archipelago. The largest island Ashen Isl is dominated by tall mountains and extensive forests. The islands are largely barren of arable farmland. Ashenthorn is the only settlement which could charitably be called a city. Other major settlements include Oberalden and Violethelm.

Fauna & Flora

The islands of Ashen and Violen are heavily forested. The other islands are more barren. Hardy plant life can be found even on the more barren islands. Polar Bears can be found in large numbers on the islands. There are also seals, rein-deer and other animals that thrive in the cold.

Natural Resources

Iron and wood can be had in large quantities. Fish are plentiful in the oceans around the islands. Farming is poor, though there is some of it on Ashen Isl and Violen.
Alternative Name(s)
The Northern Isls, The Frozen Waste, Thule
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