The Green Banner Army Military Formation in Renata | World Anvil
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The Green Banner Army

"They look good on parade, sure. Good enough to scare the boys on the Council. They've never faced ordered troops in the field though, just peasants with pitchforks and rusty spears. I'll bet I could rout the whole lot of them with a single good cavalry charge."
— - Lucia di Valletta on the Green Banner Army



50.000 Including:   10.000 Cavalry   15.000 Spearmen   20.000 Archers   5.000 specialists (engineers, siege operators, sappers, etc)


Green Bannermen are normally lightly armoured. In addition to their primary weapon they often have a dagger or shortsword. They wear Green tunics and leather caps as uniforms.


Emperor Hanshu is the supreme leader. Under him are generals in charge of the various sections of the army (Cavalry, archers, spearmen, and specialists). These units are further subdivided into units of one thousand. These are then subdivided into units of a hundred, which are again divided into units of ten.


The Green Banner Army follows the Glorious Doctorine, detailed in "The Generals' Little Green Handbook".


Logistical Support

The Green Banner Army has excellent logistical support.
Overall training Level
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