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The Intendancy

"Get off me copper, I ain't done nuthin' illegal like!"
— Commonly said by people who have done something illegal
  The Intendancy is the Apex Republic police force. Unlike the army which deals with external military threats, or the S.O. which deals with national security threats the Intendancy deals with common crime.


There are 150 Intendants in Apex. These officers of the law are normally sons and daughters of high class families too far down the list to ever hope to inherit, and too unambitious to try their hand in the merchant business. Thus they end up in government service. Each intendant is responsible for a constituency, which corresponds to an electoral constituency. In their area the intendant is responsible for the enforcement of law and order, the arrest of criminals and fugitives from the law. They are supposed to investigate possible crimes, and are also responsible for the security of the local tax collectors. To help them the Intendant usually has 4 - 5 constables assigned to them. In large cities such as Apex City or Drydale where many intendants operate in close proximity the mayor usually appoints a Commissioner to ensure a smooth chain of command. The position of 'Commissioner of Apex City' is said to be too stressful for any mortal man to last more than 5 years in. There is also the High Commisioner who is responsible for allocating resources to the entire force, but this is more of a political appointment.

Public Agenda

To combat crime in the Apex Republic, and to ensure some semblance of order in the most chaotic country in Renata (yes including the Dead Sea Collective ).


1 High Commissioner. 3 Commissioners. 150 Intendants 600 - 700 Constables.
Governmental, Ministry
Alternative Names
The Police, Cops, Copperheads.
Intendant, Constable
Parent Organization

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