Drydale Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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Somehow both the best and worst part of the Dream can be found in this valley of contridictions, it's a authoritarian government ruling over ignorant repbulicans tired of the beurocracy of the big city. It's where you'll find the richest patricioners and the poorest paupers, speak of rebellion and you'll have allspeakers knocking down your door, but speak of unity and the seditionists will salt your fields... It's such a chaotic city, but i wouldn't live anywhere else!
— Rosaline di Volpe
    Drydale is a city in The Apex Republic


Ruled by a Lord Mayor appointed by the Doge of The Apex Republic Unlike most other positions of power in Apex, the lord mayor is unelected and is unofficially a lifetime appointment, but no other titles can be held while in office.   The Lord mayor may call elections for a city council where those elected provide council and act as judges in local matters not within the purview of the The Intendancy.
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