Renata Annexations of 2003
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Annexations of 2003

Diplomatic action


In 2003 the Apex Republic formally annexed large areas surrounding its colonies in southern Haru into the Republic, giving them seats in the senate, and applying republican law not only in the towns of Shiver Town and Driftwood, but also in the countryside beyond them.

In 1998 the Apex Expeditionary Force (AEF) arrived in South-Western Haru ostensibly to fight the undead in the region. This they did. However, political events soon complicated this mission. The unveiling of a conspiracy involving city officials in Driftwood, as well as a member of the Council of Ten itself which aimed to detach Apex' colonies from her control caused an uproar in Apex City. The broadsheets demanded the AEF be turned against the "perfidious cities of the east". With elections to be held in 2001 senate candidates competed among themselves to be the most bellicose. Once in position in early 2002 they moderated their conduct somewhat. But election promises had to be addressed. In 2003 therefore the annexation bill was passed with a firm majority.   Predictably the bill which annexed all territory between the Western tip of Haru, north to the coast, south to Lakir Nataki and west to the Silver Hights to Apex caused an uproar in the Crimson Coast. Riots broke out in many cities, and Apex citizens were assaulted in many places. Yet there was little they could do so long as the AEF remained in Haru. This exposed the weakness of the Crimson Coast for all to see vis a vis the other powers. In the following years many would begin to advocate closer cooperation between the Crimson cities to avoid further foreign humiliations.

Related Location
Western Haru
Related timelines & articles
History of Renata