2020/08/30: Meeting Torvarak Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Lillith, Pele, Rodger, Ash, Dag   Rodger, his apprentices, and Zem have been dealing with ghosts in New Hallownest that aren’t very happy about it being a nicer and holier place. The apprentices can handle that for the time being, though. Rodger has also been investing in self-sustaining local businesses in New Hallownest and has actually ended up with more money than he started with. The businesses in question are largely crafting and artistic places that make use of local or bug-specific materials (such as honey and webs). Most of the patrons Knight saw while visiting were dwarves!   The catgirl adventuring party that likes Rodger has also been checking in regularly, and have been helping with things.   We’ve recruited Rodger as our negotiation specialist for dealing with Torvarak Skullsplitter and the cursing hobgoblins.   Lucky numbers are 21, 28, and 17. (Given by Sahib.)   “Arbiter’s Rock, The Tablelands. Noon tomorrow. No weapons, up to 1 ally, no tricks.”   Made an agreement with Torvarak to kill this weird energy vampire thing in exchange for his help cancelling the curse.   Warnings from Spyglass:
  • Weird diseased neanderthal guy drawing magic from ground
  • Dark robed figures with long fingers preparing for ambush near path up mountain
  • Skeleton army
  • Giant rock bat
  • Bunch of ragged black cloaks (like Dementors) floating around in magical darkness
  • We found the mountain where the energy vampire was located. Swarms of undead roamed the area. Dag acted as a distraction and drew them away, and the rest of us went in.   Found corpses of six dwarven kids and one dwarven (hearthguard?) in a small room behind a dwarven secret door. The guard died defending the kids, though there’s no sign of violence. There was a chest in the room, from which we retrieved two silver bars and a golden and silver crown. Sith took the skeletons for later resurrection.   Deeper in the mountain, we found the vampire itself. After destroying the vampire's humanoid body, we discovered that the vampire's true body was a vast and amorphous energy being located deep under the mountain. The party supercharged a purification ritual focused on Pele's Seven-Bladed Sword, while Knight went into shade form and lured one of the energy vampires ethereal tentacles up into the ritual area. The resulting explosion of fire and holy energy annihilated the monster and badly injured and incapacitated Pele, and the party had to quickly escape before the mountain collapsed into the hole the energy vampire had left.   In the subsequent second meeting with Torvarak, he suggested that after we make a prepared run through the dungeon the curse was supposed to drag us to, we “admit defeat” to the goblin god, ham up how difficult his challenge was and how we’ll never challenge him again. And if we do it right, he’ll consider us an honorable opponent, and will even play us up to show how great his own victory was.

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Kill the energy vampire for Torvarak Skullsplitter

    Character(s) interacted with

    Torvarak Skullsplitter


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