2021/07/28: Cubit - Knowledge Is Power Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Immori, Keel, Ios   Ionan has information on Necrosa’s dealings and the trail of Corruption. Sith has agreed to set up a secure communication route between his wife (who is in hiding due to a plot) and those who wish to contact her. They are setting up a dead-drop.   Ehel, former left hand of the Sindarin, has been spreading Corruption. He spread it to an archmage who later got killed by adventurers and Purifiers. He headed north and ran into a titan, Melenixis, who was given Corruption and is doing unprecedented things. Ehel isn’t actually corrupted, but he knows about Corruption and is spreading it. Melenixis was killed repeatedly and then sort of cleansed, but there’s still a corrupted echo of him terrorizing the seas 4000-5000 miles north of Guaradon. Direct measures by greater titans have been ineffective at putting it down. This has been going for about 5 years.   Chae was the result of Ehel being aided by an adventuring party. That’s being dealt with by Terana and the various followers. Ehel is also responsible for Shisui, and may still be there. Ehel is a formidable bladesinger, and he has the ability to manipulate magic to some degree, making up spells as he goes.   Ehel has been very generally heading north, toward Concordia. He’s traveled some 25,000 miles. Mostly traveling by boat, sometimes by teleportation (usually not his own). He’s been hooking up with adventurers and the like as he goes. The information about him being in Shisui is ~3 years old, but he hasn’t been heard from since, even by Death, so he’s either laying low or slowly being killed. The last time he was seen was when he was being taken to see the emperor of Shisui.   Some other creatures in the dungeon may provide us with countermeasures to Corruption. The main countermeasure Ionan can give us is the advice to stay low, use stealth, etc. Don’t get targeted if you don’t want to get zapped.   Necrosa doesn’t seem interested in Corruption. She’s instead been using related information to give her the ability to drain dead gods for power, among other things.   Ionan doesn’t know anything about the time fungus near New Hallownest, nor does he know who the being who commented “There goes another one” was during Knight and Rodger’s return from the collapsing dream of Hallownest.   The green dream man is some sort of god or being that has access to Cubit. He was involved in setting up our dungeon. The god he was supposedly working on behalf of was Ionan, but Ionan hasn’t met him yet, so he suspects a time loop. Or other shenanigans.   The muppet pirates who we brought to the undead pirate meeting are still tearing around the ocean on the Osprey. It still has the magical drive, so someone should do something about that at some point.   Indus may have been successfully raised by some group. We don’t know who yet. Or it’s been hit with a comet.   Necrosa has been sighted in several locations, sometimes simultaneously. She’s trying to make an army of herself and drain all the power from all the gods so that she’s the only being with power in the universe. Ionan has seen only six Necrosas at the same time. Her primary residence is not on Renedge, and going back 800 or 900 years, she hadn’t even heard of Renedge. Her base of operations was Solus, but after it was thoroughly bombarded, it’s unclear what her current base of operations is.   She’s been seen:
  • on Solus, around the Spire, its capital city, trying to reach surviving contacts after the bombardment meant to kill her.
  • around Argurus, primarily contracting mercenaries, as is the location’s primary purpose.
  • on Arpatia, making contact with other wizards. Arpatia is Sith’s homeworld.
  • in Sindel’s Arena, which is an intersection between the material and (ethereal?) planes. She has a 60% win rate in rank 11. Note that Blythe is rank 9 (though without the soul magic), while Sith is rank 8. She seems to be gathering funding here.
  • in various places in the astral plane, searching for more dead gods to dig up/drain.
  • There is a tiefling by the name of Tienbert who Necrosa has hit up for information on the histories of dead gods. He’s one of Ionan’s contacts, so we may be able to get some information from him about Necrosa.   Necrosa’s bodies seem to have highly varied strength ratings. The one we fought in Vetrakus was one of the more powerful ones. She seems to have to spend physical resources to build the bodies, so we may be able to whittle her down.   After leaving Knowledge Is, the door turned obsidian black, with the label Dark As Pitch. Ionan has some information about the gods who made the other rooms:
  • Gambling for your life was built by a small collection of chaos gods who want to help/test/annoy Sith.
  • Self-sufficiency was some nature god who wants to help us survive because it’s important.
  • Song and Dance is a “Cubit special” made by some “energetic” gods who want to put us through our paces and test our cooperation and coordination and see what we can do. Very combat-intensive.
  • New Life was made by someone interested in “helping” us or possibly devouring our souls. Possibly both. Made by an old one, not a god.
  • Mysteries Death made by series of older gods who got talked into helping by Ionan and some others. They may have been convinced to release someone from god/Cubit prison to help us.
  • Hunter of Dreams was created by that green dream being. We don’t know what he wants, but he seems friendly.
  • Rewards Granted


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