2021/10/20: Mr. Black's Haunted House Part 1 Report

General Summary

Bael, Aurelin, Et-Kehri, John, Ba’alzamon   Got pulled through the Void (and possibly time) to the Isle of Necromancy. Met Sir Tiranos, a man in grey armor who got pulled along as well. Tall, strong-looking human knight. He comes from the land of Ba-El.   We were invited (sort of) by “Mr. Black” to adventure through a haunted house. There are “treats” for each of us hidden in the house, but if we die while in the house, our spirits are eternally his.   We fought zombie dogs, flesh golem butlers, a giant head butler who was a mummy, a bunch of animate weapons, a horde of 20 Nazgûl with old ones on sticks as maces…   We talked to a demon lord who got pulled through a gate. Ba’alzamon traded gossip with him. Mr. Black, the owner of the haunted house, is someone the Isle of Necromancy seems to genuinely like, which means he’s a special sort of monster. He’s a collector of rare items and souls. The demon lord is named Teskarin, and he’s asked Ba’alzamon to deliver a box and an apology to Ion Rathe.   Et-Kehri has noted in his journal that he needs to research lower-planar beings.

Character(s) interacted with

Mr. Black, Teskarin
Report Date
20 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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