
Bael'ithar (a.k.a. Bael)

Bael'ithar is an odd being: While he initially appears to be an elf, a closer look will show that he isn't breathing, and further examination reveals that he is actually some sort of fungal organism mixed with an unfamiliar form of undead. Despite this, he is a cheerful and friendly individual with a surprisingly humanoid mental model. As he puts it, he is "just myself and not much more, like everyone."   Bael wasn’t sapient until recently. He isn’t sure what caused him and his people to develop in this manner, though there are signs that cultists may have been involved. He seems naive and a bit simple at first, but that’s just inexperience; he learns at a prodigious rate.   His full name is believed to mean "Elf-friend" (or at least "Elf-ally").

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bael appears to be a wiry and very friendly-looking elf. He doesn’t breathe.

Apparel & Accessories

Bael wields a wicked-looking and mystical dual-bladed longsword and is protected by evil-looking black armor (the Armor of the Dark Paladin). Under the armor he wears a cultist robe.   Bael does not wear the robe because he is a member of the cult; rather, he was wearing this robe when he first became self-aware, and he does not know why he had it, where it came from, or what it meant. He suspects that it belongs to whoever was responsible for what happened to him and his people. Bael wears the robe now in hopes that someone he meets will recognize it and be able to tell him more.   Bael has similar questions about his staff, but he also keeps it with him because it was at least partially responsible for his rise to and maintenance of sapience.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bael first met the protagonists as a non-vocal random encounter. Luckily for all involved, as Bael was a plant, the party nature person and Bael's future closest friend, Attawan (a.k.a. Attawan of the Trees), was able to calm him and Bael subsequently had enough of his soul back from his weapon to be sentient but VERY primitive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite his recent acquisition of sapience, Bael isn't not childlike or earnest; his mind started blank but his retention is above genius, and he learns extremely rapidly. His current issue is more that he cannot understand deeply how to 'be mortal', so lying or living being things like 'being tired' confuse him. To overcome this he has been studying with a elf gal called Ophila, who (for 50gp, that Bael insists on as he was taught thats how money works) teaches him when hes not busy.   Before that, Lillith taught him to read, and over a short time he's advanced from caveman to wannabe philosopher.


Bael's deepest fear and shame is... THE HUNGER. It gnaws at his mind and he worries one day he will scare or injure the friends he has, if he runs out of the goodberries that keep him sated.   Early on, he would have happily eaten anyone that the party felled, but over time as he lost friends he tried his best to stop and be 'normal'. He doesn't want to go back.

At first glance appearing to be a pale elf, Bael is actually a hybrid fungus/undead being. While his sapient past is short, he is cheerful, friendly, and an extremely quick learner. He's exceptionally durable and fights using evil-looking black armor and a similarly wicked longsword.

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