2021/10/27: Mr. Black's Haunted House Part 2 Report

General Summary

Bael, Aurelin, Et-Kehri, John, Ba’alzamon   The party continued making their way through Mr. Black's Haunted House. We found a smoking room with a smoking demilich floating in the middle, apparently astrally projecting elsewhere. We ganged up on it with all the power we could in a surprise attack. Ba’alzamon hit it with a Light of Creation in the process, mutating everyone.   The changes are… weird.   Rolls and effects for Et-Kehri:
9-319, 42, 74, 156, 301
Addiction to smoking (if you’ve smoked within last 6 hours, +1 to casting level)
Gain title: Binder of Demons (demons are at -4 to save vs my spells)
The lich, Teragus, is now my mental passenger.
Gain NWP in tactics.
5-253, 86, 253
Can conduct a seance once a week.
Gain 1 level in Smoke Warlock
1-191, 143
Gain 60ft. darkvision.
5-378, 14
Gain access to 1st level spell Summon Mount (with a tendency to summon large beetles)
10-251, 100, 200
Gain a 5th level spell (add to spellbook). Spell is Dance of the Smoky Unicorn. (Dance of the Unicorn, but it leaves everybody smoky instead of damp.)
Gain the Warmth effect. (-1 damage vs cold, cold doesn’t bother you too much.)   Four guys and two girls dropped out of the demilich’s soul-stealing teeth when it died.   The whole house is a soul-sucking trap intended to tease you along and close exits behind you until you’re trapped and Mr. Black gets to keep you.   Found in demilich’s room: crystal ball, triple strength, specialized in seeing the past and/or the dead.   Encountered a giant zombie ifrit with a giant chef hat and a cleaver in the kitchen. Killed it with nightmares and swords. Encountered more flesh golem butlers.

Rewards Granted

Triple-strength crystal ball

Character(s) interacted with

Rescued adventurers
Report Date
27 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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