2022/07/20: Against a Terracotta Army Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Ruby, Malakai, Eldrin, Sunderfury   Turns out Sith got reports from Doyle back when we were leaving for the Rift. Doyle is alive and deeply engaged in intrigue in the capital.   The party went to deal with the terracotta army. Knight, Malakai, and Ruby went on a stealthy mission to get to the priests and forges creating the warriors while the rest of the party did a frontal assault as a distraction. Sith summoned a magic fortress and made Eldrin giant, so Eldrin was basically playing a tower defense game as Liberty Prime.   The stealth team snuck in and stole a magic reactor core from the factory, then found an engineer in the central area. We stole the engineer. He just wanted to serve his country and see the world, but he found out his commanders are… unpleasant.   General Shen is the boss of the forces. He’s bald and has a bunch of bladed metal arms coming out of his back. We went back to fight him after interrogating the engineer. The session ended midway through the fight with him, his shugenja minions, three terracotta colossi, and a set of terracotta heroes.

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