2022/08/10: Dreams of The Apprentice Part 2 Report

General Summary

Knight, Sith, Eldrin, Ruby, Sunderfury   We freed the spirit things from the cages. Sunderfury was teleported in by the naga queen and ate an evil fork. Ruby tried to make the evil stew less creepy. After we left the cave, it was blindingly white outside, as if it had been forever since the dreamer had seen the sun. There was a skull outside the cave/hut that, when dreamnailed, said that was the dream of past trauma and regrets, essentially. There was a path up the mountain outside. This seemed to be a memory of a real place. The path led to a stone rolling door with a sign above it that says “go away”. Sunderfury wrote “welcome” on the other side, and then Knight and Ruby rolled it open.   On the other side was an astrology lab. Relatively welcoming and warm. Dreamnailing the telescope with the beautiful starscape said this place was representing ambitions and hopes. Decoding the books gave us a very long journal that was basically the kid’s memories, detailing how everything was horrible and everyone seemed out to get their own and maximize suffering for everyone else.   We left sentimental items, consisting of two teddy bears, a blanket, a terracotta warrior head, and some heartfelt notes in the lab. Then we went back to the cannibal hut and purified the stew. We found some child skeletons in the bottom of the pot, and when we gave them final rites outside, one of them (a little girl) went to Sith’s heaven and the other two (a little boy and little girl) went to Ranthiel.   Then we went back to the blood pool. We combined a bunch of purification power and dream power and lore and ritual implements and such and did a ritual with Knight’s sword and Eldrin’s purification sword to purify the zone.   Got ejected from the dream, explosively. After slowly collecting ourselves and our swords, we discovered we were in the Doomed Woods of ElKoron. Apparently it’s a place that tends to collect lost souls and store them in the trees. The grim reaper Eldrin met in the Ethereal Plane there said those souls generally deserve to be stuck there.   We transported back to Ruby’s spelljammer. Ditz was doing worse, and it took some combined mending and healing to perk her up a bit. Apparently her body is old and poorly maintained, and her battery (powered by souls) is low. We might take her back to the forest to recharge her. We also checked with Doyle, who said the Apprentice passed out in the middle of the street and is now still unconscious in his suborned merchant’s abode.

Missions/Quests Completed

Enter the Apprentice's mind and incapacitate him.

Character(s) interacted with


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