
(a.k.a. Ditz)

An amnesiac female construct who acts as a magical bridge to or embodiment of a magical version of the SMS Seydlitz.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Ditz has "unusual" eyesight that is capable of detecting some things normal vision can't. This may be a reflection of her shipself's sensors.   Ditz is apparently surrounded by a cylinder of soulcite with a large radius that is invisible and intangible. What this is and does is unclear.   Ditz is linked to the magical battlecruiser SMS Seydlitz and shares its battery power and physical state.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ditz's known history begins with her discovery by the Shadows of Existence aboard a wrecked ship off Shisui's west coast on September 5th, 23 ARL. She was found impaled by a broken pipe, unconscious, but there was no blood and her innards appeared to be flashing lights. The ship around her was very heavily armored and full of machinery, but it was partially melted and badly torn up, and the only "living" things aboard were Ditz and several horrible ghostly abominations. The Shadows recovered Ditz from the ship and healed her. She returned to consciousness several days later.   When she awoke, the as-yet-unnamed and somewhat panicked woman was suffering from near-complete amnesia, remembering only pain, darkness, and sharp black mist. Despite being healed as far as she apparently could be, the woman was still battered and feeling unwell, and her vision was fuzzy. In her few days aboard Ruby's spelljammer Ruby Wasp while the Shadows were away, her clumsiness earned her the nickname "Ditz" from the lizardman crew.

Further attempts by the Shadows to heal and repair her proved largely fruitless. Investigation showed that her body was old and poorly maintained, and her battery (powered by souls) was low.

It was only after a deep inspection by Malakai on September 13th that the cause of the continued poor condition was found: Ditz was either a distress beacon for or a physical manifestation of the soul of a ship, the SMS Seydlitz. The ship had seen heavy combat; apparently it had been part of a combat group, and its situation had been bad enough that a friendly destroyer had rammed it so the destroyer's marines could help against the boarders. Seydlitz's crew of 1250 had been reduced to 24, at least some of which were found as zombies. The ship was cursed and steeped in death magic. If it (and by extension Ditz) were going to return to proper condition, they were going to need a crew (temporary or otherwise), a full battery, and plenty of sea shanties.

Amnesiac construct/ship spirit in the shape of a woman. Found in a shipwreck off west coast of Shisui. Linked to or containing a magical version of the SMS Seydlitz.

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Current Status
Attempting to recover from her crash.
Light brown or dark blonde


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