Erethenar the Wise

A Halloranan god of the internet, information, codes, puzzles, and technology.

Divine Domains

The internet, information, codes, puzzles, and technology.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An old, pale human man with a long white beard and very skinny legs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sometime before the end of 23 ARL, Erethenar was locked away on the plane of Mechanus by unknown individuals. He was discovered and freed at the end of that year by a Renedgian adventuring party led by Terana DelGarrod. He subsequently spread himself throughout the Halloranian internet and aided the party and their allies in defeating a nefarious plot by the archvillain Necrosa.


Contacts & Relations

Erethenar worked with the young elven hackers Tev and Lev for a time after being freed from his imprisonment. They're the ones who coined the nickname "Technogeezer". Rather than being offended, Erethenar reportedly finds the nickname entertaining.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Erethenar the Wise
  • Technogeezer
  • Children


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