2024/07/03: Freeing a Tech-God Report

General Summary

Terana, Knight, Zaran, Kal'vus, Buzz   Last session, the party was trying to find a way through an elemental puzzle to the god they were working to free. The god recommended they try destroying some of the squares to clear a path.   Kal'vus tried a wind blade against a green square, reasoning that wind was typically considered elemental opposite to acid. The flurry of strikes disabled the square and some around it for about 30 seconds. Following his lead, the party eventually collected ways to use fire, wind, and lightning damage at will, and Knight, Kal'vus, and Terana forced their way through.   Up close, the party saw that the deity had kind, sad eyes. He'd make a good Merlin or Dumbledore in any number of stage productions.   The god said the group should be careful. He was still bound by powerful magic. There was purple-bluish magical light holding his hands in place, and his lower half remained bound by rock.   When asked if he had legs, he thought for a moment and said he doesn't recall. He doesn't recall why he was bound, either. He does recall being very angry at the person who bound him. He doesn't remember his name.   The party discussed their options and settled on Humphery casting Mordenkainen's Disjunction on the god's bindings. Everybody else braced for the expected blast. Knight remembered the invincible scroll case in his inventory and, following a joke perhaps further than was wise, used size-changing magic to fit inside it in shade form as an improvised bunker.   (The party decided this would be a very funny way for Knight to end up as sealed evil good in a can. There were jokes about him being stuck in there for 12,000 years after someone put the cap on. Then he'd get released by some evil cultist to "release the darkness upon the land", with predictable results. Also jokes about Knight finally achieving inner peace a la Abridged Alucard.)   The disjunction went off. The gear platform suddenly expanded as the spacetime magic of the rock was destroyed, and the god expanded to titanic size as well. Magic stopped working. Knight got shot out of his can as the size-changing and shapeshifting failed, but fortunately he was still liquid enough at the time to escape damage. As the hole in the gear expanded, the floor slid out from under the group's feet, and Knight and Terana found themselves falling into the void. Kal'vus, on the other hand, resisted the power of the disjunction with enlightened strength. With his wings, he was able to catch Knight and use him as a multi-armed crane to grab the others.   The god, now giant (though still pinned in place) did in fact have legs! Bony old man legs. He could perhaps use socks, and maybe exercise. (Kal'vus: "Those look like my legs, and you're a mammal; that's a bad thing.")   The prisoner was not unattended. A giant shadowy thing with void-like eyeholes and lots of shardlike teeth was wrapped around the titanic god's torso.   Most magic wasn't working. Even Knight's shapeshifting was at minimal effect. Terana still had her avatar form, though, so she activated that and prepared to get in a martial arts fight with the monster. Humphery called for her to use him as her anvil. Kal'vus got a lot of height (with a bit of golden glow, which is interesting), giving Terana a jumping-off point. Which she used. Enthusiastically. Kal'vus and Knight found themselves knocked all the way back down.   While Terana and Humphery battered the monster (and Terana got level-drained for her trouble), Kal'vus and Knight tried to fly back into place to catch them as they fell once more. Humphery killed the shadow thing. Knight teleported himself and Kal'vus to easily catch the other two. Kal'vus was glowing divinely still a little bit.   The big god faded. Knight tried to portal the group out, initially just got the group to an unfamiliar gear platform, then took some time to focus (descending into the Void a little to focus) and then cut a path directly out to the farmhouse.   Talking to Zaran revealed the group had lost some time: They'd apparently been gone for about two hours. Terana crashed after using her avatar form and would be out for about 12 hours. Humphery joined her in napping.   The god-gear had disappeared, leaving only a note behind. The note showed nothing but a picture of a cube. The meaning of the note was unclear.   Miles told the party that he had some people working on more of the Necrosa problems. The goblin king should be handled, having been appeased or at least distracted. The big remaining threat seemed to be the super-tough monsters that had kidnapped Miles.   Later that evening, Terana woke up. Miles also mentioned that there was a little girl sneaking around the house and wanted to know who she was. Knight noticed that the little grey bird had not reappeared on his horn.   Terana (still uninformed and now very interested in the prospect of a cute little girl) and Knight (wondering if interaction was now possible) went separately looking for the little girl. The search was fruitless. Terana went to chat with Humphery while Knight enjoyed meditating on the roof.   Kal'vus, meanwhile, got back to his wall of crazy. While working through it, he found an unfamiliar note attached to the board: A mission in shaky handwriting to "save ghost princess". It looked like the little girl had added a quest to the list.   Kal'vus got Terana and Buzz on the case. They followed a detection spell toward the basement. Talking to the skeleton down there revealed that the little girl is barely able to communicate, and is only really able to communicate indirectly with the living. She's badly traumatized on top of the curse making communication difficult.   Terana left her haunted sword, Litea, alone in the room to talk to the little girl. After an hour of talking, the party got some answers. Anastasia was a very young child when she died. She was the child of some sort of interdimensional king or queen. The kingdom conquered an area to the north of here. Some people were displeased with this and killed the king and queen. Thanks to defensive spells and great magics, the kid couldn't be killed immediately, so they killed her parents in front of her, waited for the magic to wear off, then cursed her and then killed her. She wants the killers brought to justice. She's especially angry that the killers were rewarded for their deeds.   Whatever weird bloodline power Anastasia has meant she became a very unusual kind of ghost.   The family was in charge of a castle up in the snowy mountains some 650 miles to the north, on the other side of the goblins. The demon lords who took over were in power as of about 7 years ago. With a few days left to go before the concert, the party decided it was worth flying up to take a look and maybe get Anastasia some closure.

Rewards Granted

1 xp

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Renedge Campaign
Buzz Gizmo
Terana DelGarrod
Knight of Darkhome
Report Date
04 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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