

Kain appears as a pale dark elf rogue or mage with the dark outfit to match. This quickly proves an entertaining contrast to his bright attitude. Kain's appearance is complemented by a little black bat who serves as a companion and familiar.   Kain has training as both a thief and a mage, allowing him to alternate between stealth, shooting, and spellcasting support as needed.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Kain wears an outfit made almost entirely of black leather. The one spot of color is a blue sash across his chest.

Specialized Equipment

Kain carries a pair of auto-repeating hand crossbows that have been mounted to the backs of his gloves. This leaves his hands free for spellcasting, and in combination with a permanent haste effect the setup lets him put a punishing rain of crossbow bolts downrange.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kain's history is largely a mystery, even to himself. His memories from before he was found by a group of friendly adventurers have been lost, likely due to the grazing magical head wound that also left a permanent streak of silver in his hair along the side of his head.   Some time after joining those adventurers, Kain finally got some insight into his past: He discovered that he was born as a child and experiment of the great evil known as Sindar. Horrified by this, and now fully understanding why someone may have tried and only narrowly failed to kill him, Kain has since spent all of his time trying to make up for his birthright.   Kain has now found some balance between his past and his current self, reflected physically in his eyes; now one is black and one is white, in contrast to the pure black they were when he was first found.

Intellectual Characteristics

While Kain's eyes show that he has found a balance between light and darkness, between those two is chaos, which is why Kain acts a little... crazy. But he means well.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves cheese.


Family Ties

Kain is a child of Sindar, and more specifically one of his experiments; Kain is half Drow and half some sort of shadow demon/monster.

Pale dark elf wearing all black leather save a blue sash. Light streak in dark hair. One solid black eye, one solid white. Has a little black bat companion. Likes cheese. Can cast spells. Has a pair of wrist-mounted hand crossbows.

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One solid black, one solid white
Black with silver streak
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
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