2022/09/28: Underdark Delving Part 1 Report

General Summary

Knight, Senal, Sunderfury, Avalon, Zaran, Daedalus, Locke, Kain   Loot distribution from the forge.   Blythe pulls a second shipgirl out of Ditz. She and Malakai are indulging in shenanigans on that front. Death is helping personally.   Malakai made a deal with the local evil overlord and got Serena Runeburn returned, so that issue is handled.   The group is heading for the Darkhome mining zone next. Just after they teleported into New Hallownest, there was an explosion to the north. We found some rubble in the tunnels and some weird green mossy stuff. A new tunnel has been blown open, and there are apparently glowing evil crystals of some sort in there. The inside of the tunnel is clearly well-made and carved, apparently by dwarves or at least in their style. At the end was a natural cavern with a bunch of moss growing all over.   Zaran, Locke, Senal, and Kain were teleported into the cavern suddenly, with Zaran nearly landing on Knight. Everyone introduced themselves. Then several giant glowing cubes burst through the far wall of the giant cavern. They attacked us psychically and with lasers, we attacked them with spells and physical attacks. We won.   In the hole they came out of, we found another large room, this one apparently a vault. There's mold that eats magic and moisture, presumably to keep things nice in there. The mold is in a circular pattern around a dirt-covered lump in the middle of the room. Kain summoned Grimdalek, an ancient and powerful wizard, who briefly possessed him to give advice. Following that advice, Avalon and Kain slowly and carefully snuck into the magic circle and retrieved the buried treasure bag from the middle.   The treasure bag appeared to generate items of loot specific to each person. Zaran is very wary of the bag. Knight got a leather weapon wrapping of black lightning. Senal got a scroll case of some sort. Avalon got a gem or lens, light blue. Kain got an 8-inch rounded wheel of cheese.

Rewards Granted

Suspicious personal treasure bag for group, leather weapon wrap of black lightning for Knight, scroll with Hell's Burning Blade maneuver for Senal, pickpocket-guided laser crystal for Avalon, wheel of infinite chaos cheese for Kain.

Character(s) interacted with

Renedge Campaign
Senal Romenil
Sunderfury Ironspire
Knight of Darkhome
Report Date
28 Sep 2022
Primary Location


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