

A being found trapped in a giant solcite crystal in the center of the Blacklight Forest in the Underdark near Darkhome. She claims to be a former mortal who ascended to godhood, becoming a goddess of nature and existence. She also claims to be the one who dreamed Knight. Whether these claims are true remains to be seen.   Research has revealed that Nadira predates even Ancient Alvidar; she was the goddess the gods of Ancient Alvidar defeated to become gods themselves. As this occurred at least 8000-9000 years prior to the current era, little is now known about Nadira and the civilization she supported.   It has also been discovered that the solcite crystals in the mithril/solcite deposit near the Blacklight Forest are the shattered souls of guardians and paladins, many of whom died defending Nadira. This is what is left of her people. Their general Good alignment lends credence to Nadira's claims of benevolence.

Divine Domains

Nature, existence

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nadira's form varies, but it usually includes deer antlers and the color purple. In humanoid form, she has dark skin and purple robes. In her winged and antlered ki-rin form, she has purple fur and scales.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Some time in the past, Nadira was overtaken by the evil gods of Ancient Alvidar and imprisoned in a large solcite crystal in the Underdark beneath Meridan. Three champions, aspects of those three evil gods, were inserted into the crystal to act as jailers, draining what power she still possessed. With the defeat of the Dark One at the end of the Necropolis War in June of 23 ARL, these jailers have been weakened, and Nadira now hopes to leverage outside assistance (in the form of Knight and his allies) in order to secure her freedom...
Divine Classification
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations


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