
A magical girl, sniper, comedian, and member of the popular band Zyth on Halloran.   With her cute and fluffy appearance, Oracle is the exact opposite of her bandmate Tir Oba in terms of looking and being innocent. She's wildly popular. When not joining the band for performances, she's based in the world's equivalent of the Alps.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A white-furred anthropomorphic bunny girl. As part of Zyth, she typically wears all white. (This has caused some controversy because it's hard to tell if she's wearing clothes.)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oracle is from a tribe of "warriors", though they sound more like a group of hitmen, assassins, and saboteurs. Basically think special forces meet ninjas. They specialize in sneaking around and sniping people.   Oracle joined Zyth because she started getting oddly popular after the public got ahold of some video evidence of her shenanigans blowing up bad organizations across the planet.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Oracle is a pretty good sniper. She doesn't show a lot of melee ability but she's great at running away, and she's amazing with traps.   Pretty good at dancing, given that she isn't a born dancer and it isn't her primary thing. She has made some meme dances.   She's very funny and has exceptional comedic timing (and timing in general).
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White fur
Aligned Organization


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