2024/08/28: Zyth Concert Part 3 Report

General Summary

Terana, Knight, Kal'vus, Buzz, Zaran   The party bid their friends in the weeniemobile good luck, gave a few last instructions, and headed for the backstage. As they did so, undead began to rise throughout the concert grounds and Necrosa's cyborg minions went loud.   Our heroes blitzed through a bunch of undead without stopping, then chopped through a group of eight of the supersoldiers to rescue a team of adventurers. As they approached the stage, Terana and friends saw the band facing off against a team of special undead while other adventurers fought Necrosa's forces all around them. Civilians were conspicuously sparse. The reason became clear as another group of noncombatants suddenly vanished, being teleported to safety. The civilians were handled; our heroes could focus on stopping this disaster.   The party spotted one of the Black Citadel golems rampaging backstage. Before they could move to engage it, they saw a horde of abnormally solid ghost knights and banshees manifesting ahead of the stage and preparing to charge. After a moment of nonverbal conversation, the party split up. Terana and Humphery charged the golem, Knight and Buzz went for the banshees, and Kal'vus dashed to the stage to defend the band and ready for the charge.   The attack on the undead almost went very badly. The banshees proved tougher than expected: Knight and Buzz didn't quite manage to kill any of them in the first charge, and Knight was about to be swarmed under with soul-stabbing knives when there was the sound of swearing in what may have been German and a batch of exploding lightning weenies blew most of the already critically damaged spirits to shreds. Kal'vus, meanwhile, ended up intercepting the charge of the ghost knights with his body as much as his sword. He just barely survived through ex-divine resilience after being completely impaled on two of their lances. Still, almost dead is a long way from defeated. Knight shrugged off a soul-stab and the grenade lightning, finished off the last two banshees, and stepped in to defend the people on the stage, Kal'vus and Buzz weakened the ghostly horde as Knight absorbed the counterattack, and then Knight annihilated the lot of them in a flurry of blades.   Terana and Humphery, meanwhile, tore into the golems backstage with characteristic efficiency. There was a whole team of the things, led by an embellished commander who claimed he couldn't truly die. His claim proved as meaningless as his golem's resilience. The dynamic duo eviscerated his minions, divined his true weak point, and cut him to pieces with Humphery's Sword of Kings enhanced with Terana's Crystal of True Death.   In the distance, more of the golems were being engaged by the UWG's transforming jet-mechs. For the moment, the band was safe.   In this lull, an illusion of Necrosa appeared before Terana and Humphery. Looking down on the elven heroes, she declared: "You've been a real thorn in my side. About time I deal with you personally." As the rest of the party ran up, she began to cast a spell.   The stage was set for Necrosa to suck the party into a demi-dimension for a final fight. Then the wienermobile arrived. (It went through the stands to get there. Gork is a great driver.) Our heroes wouldn't be going into this climactic battle without their friends.


Humphery has the Hand and Eye of Dragonheart, relics that they had to make to replace those body parts after they removed the Hand and Eye of Vecna a while back. So if you armwrestle him you're basically armwrestling a world-sized tree.
Renedge Campaign
Buzz Gizmo
Terana DelGarrod
Knight of Darkhome
Report Date
28 Aug 2024
Primary Location


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