
Colossal skeletal dracohydra summoned or created by Blythe while she was helping Malakai reclaim his forge in September of 23 ARL. Has 1200 heads, each with a breath weapon. The breath weapons vary, but it's unknown whether he chooses what type each head emits or if each head has a set type. He is also a spellcaster capable of buffing himself. He claims to be a god.   He did not submit to Blythe's control upon his summoning, and instead challenged the "mortals" before him to a battle to the death once they were done with the fight they had (ineffectually) summoned him to help with. His opening act was to scour and partially melt a large part of the mountain with the breath weapons of 400 heads. Blythe blew him apart in under six seconds with a little help from Malakai.

Skeletal hydra god. Semi-accidentally summoned by Blythe. Enough heads that they're difficult to count, has giant skeletal wings, and can spellcast.

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