2022/09/14: Clearing Malakai's Forge Part 3 Report

General Summary

Knight, Avalon, Blythe, Malakai, Sunderfury, Buzz, Daedalus   Still clearing out Malakai's forge. A big cloaked figure is ascending the mountain behind us. Armored under the cloak, has a bunch of swords. Says he's here to see a man about a sword, needs it fixed. Got the sword from an orc warlord named Skullfragger. The man is named Kagri.   Kagri sparred with Knight so they could evaluate each other. Kagri is a barbarian or fighter of about level 50. Has great balance and ripostes. Has a rage sword. Kagri is likely an orc.   As we opened the door to the next room, a horde of little dolls with knife hands poured out and attacked the party. They're apparently tiny flesh golems of some sort. They may or may not have been made from babies.   During the fight, Blythe summoned a colossal bone hydra. It had so many heads that they couldn't be easily counted, and it had draconic wings fitting for its size. It called itself Skefilaxas, and claimed to be a god. It challenged the "mortals" facing it and tried to kill all of us. Blythe managed to kill it with a little assistance from Malakai. The rest of us managed to survive by the skin of our teeth (and the edge of our defensive spells).

Rewards Granted

36 dracohydra god skulls

Character(s) interacted with

Renedge Campaign
Sunderfury Ironspire
Buzz Gizmo
Knight of Darkhome
Blythe Derguil
Report Date
15 Sep 2022
Primary Location


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