Stone of Ur

This artifact appears as a three-foot-tall greenish stone. Identify, improved identify, and the librum of identification all fail to identify its nature and powers. A 3D scan with voice analysis stated "Unknown Unique extradimensional energies/conceptual level iconographic resonance with multiple universes/Zero point arcane energy flow/imprints on an entire geographic area". Arcanum's Lore simply said that it was "An artifact of exceeding power and age." Legend Lore could find no stories or legends of this item in existence.   The stone is currently planted in Zaran's hoard in another dimension.


The Stone of Ur was found by the Shadows of Existence in the remains of the fungal Old One Galesh in late 23 ARL. Its history before that is entirely unknown.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder


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