The Vault

The Vault (true name unknown) is a massive underground city complex located in and under what may have once been a volcano. It was built and inhabited by a wide variety of races, including elves, dwarves, lizardfolk, and possibly orcs and goblins. The city is focused around a massive rounded cavern that extends across the interior of the mountain, with buildings covering the bottom and climbing up the walls in all directions. A large hole towards the center of the cavern leads down into further (smaller) levels of city.   The city is lit by a network of amplifier/reflector crystals that bring in light from above the mountain and spread it as needed. The centerpiece of this arrangement is an enormous chandelier hanging from the roof of the central cavern.   The Vault's civilization fell some time ago for reasons that remain unclear. Its empty buildings are now inhabited mostly by savage gorn and other monsters. Magical traps or dangers are fairly commonplace, sometimes due to structural collapses or simple lack of maintenance. Still, for those who can manage to find a way in, there are magical treasures awaiting discovery.


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