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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lilac was a wolf born in Bloodpuddle's era. She had a crush on Bloodpuddle and was hurt when he became mates with Hazel where she hadn't even professed her love to him.
Lilac murdered Hazel and proposed to Bloodpuddle at the top of a cliff, revealing what she had done, thinking it would impress him.
Bloodpuddle was not amused, and threatened Lilac. Lilac was frieghtend, and she stumbled backwards, falling to her death.
Fern somehow messed with Starpelt's script, and made the Spirits not realize that Lilac had died and needed to be transported to the Stars, and Lilac was left forgotten on Renta, as a ghost.
Lilac spent nearly a century wandering from one life to another. She grew to regret what she had done when she was alive, and despretatly wanted to join the Stars. Lilac believed that this was the Spirit's way of punshing her.
When Bloodpuddle was revived, Lilac decided to spy on him, in attempt to gather information and complete what she thought was her purpose. During the Battle of Blood Moon, Lilac saw Moonmist struggling to fight Bloodpuddle. Lilac stepped in, using her willpower to be visible for a couple moments, and distracted Bloodpuddle long enough for Moonmist to regain a bit of strength and kill him.
Lilac met Blue outside of the Night Barn, when he was trying to save his sister. Blue was the only animal who could see Lilac without her needing to reveal herself. Lilac grew attached to Blue, as the only animal who she could talk to, although she didn't approve of what he was doing, and would constantly try to convince him to stop working with Ember.
One night, before Ember planned to burn the forest down, Lilac visited the Night Barn and met Nightshadow. Nightshadow was able to see her for a little bit because of the night being able to heighten her senses, and Night feeling calm. Lilac and Nightshadow spoke, and Nightshadow was the first animal in over a century to ask Lilac what her name was.
After the fire the put the sun out, Blue was guilty about the death of Nightshadow. Lilac tried to talk to him but was intrupted by Ember, who stood in Lilac, revealing that she was a ghost.
Once Blue came to terms with the fact that Lilac is a ghost, the two decided to work together and help Duststorm fight Scorpion by being spies.
When Bloodpuddle came back to drag Fern into the Stars, he spoke to Lilac, saying: "I know you're here, watching still, thanks to the Spirits being blind and not doing their job right." which made the Spirits realize that Lilac had been on Renta for over a century.
Starpelt went down to Renta to bring Lilac back to the Stars herself, not before Lilac saying good-bye to her best friend, Blue.

Personality Characteristics


Lilac constantly wondered why she was cursed to wander Renta as a ghost. At first she thought that it was a form of punishment by the Spirits, since she murered Hazel. But then Lilac realized that there were no other ghosts around, and there certaintly animals who killed for other reasons, as terrible as hers.
Lilac began to wonder whether she could rest without something, such as closure, an item, or a friend. But Lilac never felt like she desprately needed something.
Lilac then thought that she needed to learn a lesson, but once she finally realized that what she done in the past were wrong, and that she wanted to apologize to Hazel, she still wasn't able to join the Stars.
Finally, Lilac decided that there was purpose as to why she was stuck on Renta. At first, she thought it was helping Moonmist defeat Bloodpuddle, but to her disppointment she still remained a ghost, and almost lost complete faith in the Spirits, until she met Blue, who she was certain was her purpose to help.

Representation & Legacy

The story surrounding Lilac's death became a favourite in the Night Barn. Lilac hated that her story was close to the truth and yet still inaccurate. She hated how whenever she visited to the Night Barn, she was forced to listen to her past mistakes, and how no one bothered to remember her name.
After Lilac's conversation with Nightshadow, Night changed the story to be more accurate, and always made sure to tell other's of Lilac name.



Enemy (Important)

Towards Bloodpuddle




Ex-Lover (Trivial)

Towards Lilac




Lilac always had a crush on Bloodpuddle. She was heartbroken when he became mates with Hazel, even though she had never revealed her feelings to him. Bloodpuddle was partially responible for her death, making her fall off the cliff, but took full responibilty, proudly claiming how he killed the murderer of his mate, making Lilac bitter.
Lilac decided to spy on Bloodpuddle when he was revived, in hopes to find usful information for the Moontribe, but never found anything important.
The next time they truly stood face to face was during the Battle of Blood Moon, where Lilac distracted Bloodpuddle long enough for Moonmist to kill him. Lilac knew how much it would anger Bloodpuddle to be unable to defeat an enemy.
The final time they met was when Bloodpuddle returned to Renta to bring Fern to the Stars, where he purposely spoke to Lilac, who he knew was watching, making the Spirits realize that Lilac was still on Renta. They never met in the Stars, Lilac didn't want to speak to him, albeit quietly thankful he revealed herself to the Spirits.

“We are wolves, even though we can get used to it, we’ll always feel more on edge alone, without a pack. I’ve been alone for nearly a century, and no longer do I feel scared, but lonely.”
Circumstances of Death
She died because Bloodpuddle spooked her, and became a ghost.
Place of Death
The base of a cliff in the savannah
pale biege, with brown around herface
Quotes & Catchphrases
“All I wish is that I can finally rest in peace and join the stars. So, I can apologize to Hazel and so that I can finally be seen again. I miss my family.”
“I would want you to tell the real story. The one where Bloodpuddle doesn’t kill me, and I fell off the cliff. The one where I remain on Renta as a ghost for decades, the one where in the end, Bloodpuddle means nothing to me, and I help him bring him down.”
The Spirits (previously)
"You are no longer alone."

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