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The Duergar are cousins to Dwarves.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Duergar are adapted to life in the underdark.


Duergar's three rules of conduct:

Our pockets are never full.

A duergar's ambition is never sated or fulfilled. No matter how much wealth or power a duergar has, it is never enough.

Our fight is never done.

History shows the duergar the weak are not worthy to keep their possessions.

Our resolve is indomitable.

The weakness of happiness, contentment, trust, and compassion are to be purged from the worthy. Showing weakness is a sin amongst the duergar.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

Laduguer, the Grim One, was the leader of the Duergar in the great revolt against the Illithids.

Deep Duerra is the Duergar who stole the power of psionics from the Illithids according to legend.

Common Myths and Legends

Duergar legend says once the Duergar dwelt with Morem - the Dwarven Allfather and the Dwarves in Bierboldahr. They found a deep canyon rift and delved deeply to create the Stronghold of Bumfarum. There they toiled and grew strong in their deep stronghold for an age. Then at the command of the Emperor of Heaven, Bierboldahr was broken to take pieces to form the new world. The gods in their haste and carelessness left Bumfarum adrift in the Astral Sea. In time the Stronghold became weak and dispirited, the forge fires grew cold and tasks were abandoned. It was after being weakened by listlessness that the Illithids attacked and conquered the Duergar.

A wretched age passes as slaves of the Illithids, which changed the Duergar both body and soul. At first, they prayed to Morem and the gods for deliverence from their plight, but as the years and centuries rolled past, the Duergar began instead to curse the name of Morem and only felt spite for the gods. Perhaps Bael, Bronze General of Hell's agents were already working amongst the Duergar to fan the fires of hate, but in time the Duergar turned from the worship of Morem and the gods and sought aid from The Nine Hells. Bael sent the Duergar powerful gifts which were used in a bloody revolt against the Illithid masters. Over the ages, the Duergar had learned the ability of psionics and used the Illithid's weapon against them.

Now free of the Illithids, the agents of Bael found a way for the Duergar to travel to the deep hidden places of the world. There the Duergar again toiled and grew strong, seeking a time for vengance against Morem and the gods who betrayed them to slavery.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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