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The Githyanki are a species of humanoids from the Astral Sea who have conquered the continents in the west.
The lands conquered by the Githyanki are now called the The Dominion.
The Githyanki are ruled by Vlaakith CLVII, the undying Queen.

Basic Information


Githyanki are humanoids appearing tall and slender, typically between 5'5" and 6'11" and weighing between 125 - 280 lbs. They have a leathery yellowish skin with bright black eyes sunk deep into the eyesockets of their long angular skulls. The nose is small and placed high on the skull. The ears are elongated reaching a point at the top with the back edge serrated. Typically hair color is black or red, worn in a top-knot typically. Male Githyanki have facial hair growing an their lower jaw. The Githyanki are born from eggs, so female Githyanki do not have breasts, but do have a wider pelvis than the males.

Genetics and Reproduction

Githyanki are born from eggs, which need to hatch and grow in hidden creches in the material plane, since the Astral Sea is timeless.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Githyanki do not require food or sleep in the Astral Sea. While in the material plane, they require frequent small meals with a high protein content.


The Githyanki are merciless warriors. Outside of fighting the Githyanki live a decadent lifestyle seeking novelty and rarely finishing studies or tasks.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Githyanki have psionic abilities which they use to agument thier combat skills.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

for individual Githyanki use: for Githyanki clans use:

Major Organizations

Lasith leads clan Tlomog's embassy in Detroit. He is assisted by Farrul of clan Du'uk, she leads the military corps of the embassy.
Also in Detroit is L'a'asac of clan Zhoz who is a rival of Lasith.

See The clans of the Gith.

Articles under Githyanki


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