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Mendohr, god of Palace of Ivory Towers

One of the major cults in Detroit is Mendohr, god of Palace of Ivory Towers.

Mendohr is a god of knowledge. His cult seeks to gather and share knowledge believing knowledge, ideas, and actions make the world a better place.

Mendohr is the patron of the Woodward family.


The cults rankings (from top to bottom) are:
  • Mendohr - deity
  • Primary Librarian-Priest
  • Senior Librarian-Priest
  • Major Librarian-Priest
  • Librarian-Priest
  • Cleric
  • Acolytes
  • Followers/ faithful / lay servants of the temple
  • Worshipers


Knowledge requires objectivity, truth must be more important than advancing any desires, one must seek knowledge even when it is uncomfortable for you.
Knowledge brings pleasure and should be enjoyed for its own merits.
Knowledge is how culture and civilizations advance and thrive, thus knowledge serves the greater good.
Some Knowledge must be kept secret, (but not destroyed). Secrets can be shared with those worthy.
Truth is Life, and Lies are death.
Knowledge and Truth are never fully known or revealed, one must continue to search.
Knowledge alone does not impart wisdom, Compassion must guide your actions. The power of knowledge must submit to the reins of compassion.

Public Agenda

The public schooling available to all residents of the Republic are taught by lay servants of the cult and supervised by the temple hierarchy. The goal is 100% literacy within the Republic.


The The Temple-Library of Mendohr contains at least one copy of every book, scroll, broadsheet or record known to Detroit. The cult has ambitions to gather at least one copy of every written work ever created.

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge brings Pleasure – Followers of Mendohr enjoy Knowledge for its own merits, and rejoice in learning, teaching and sharing it. Followers found and maintain libraries and schools. Gatherings of the faithful typically involve debates and discussions. Many are reminiscent of Greek symposia with alcohol bringing discussions to an end when answers cannot be found.
Knowledge requires Change - Truth is life and lies are death. Obtaining Knowledge requires objectivity - it must be more important than advancing any desire. Those who desire true knowledge must be willing to accept the Truth and be changed by what they learn. True followers of Mendohr are willing to speak truth to power. As such, it is important to many in power to have a counselor who is a recognized follower of Mehdohr. It can also be a huge temptation for a cleric of Mendohr to accept undeserved patronage and obtain wealth in exchange for bestowing undeserved legitimacy
Knowledge is power – Followers of Mendohr freely distribute most knowledge to whoever can use it. However, it is also taught that knowledge alone does not impart wisdom. Followers of Mendohr are unwilling to destroy knowledge, but they have been known to hide away texts, tomes or magic that other religions would feel unsafe doing anything but destroying. (There are even times where such items must be “acquired” from those too foolish to have them before being safely hidden away.) The vaults created for this purpose will be protected, but still accessible to someone “worthy”.


Ignorance is not a sin, but refusing to learn is a sin.


Worship in the cult of Mendohr is usually an indivdual or small groups seeking to study the written works and compare them with observations to improve their understanding and knowledge.

Worshipers choose a topic or field of knowledge based upon individual interest or need.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Mendohr is the patron of the the Woodward Family and many members of the extended family have can be found in the ranks of the cult. The enterprises of the Woodward family provide support to the cult and the cult supports the enterprises of the Woodwards.

There is tension between trade guilds and other commercial interest who want to keep certain aspects hidden from the public as "trade secrets" and the cult. There have been accusations the Woodwards have benefited from certain trade secrets entering public knowledge through the cult's gathering and archiving information.


The The Order of the Owl is the paramilitary arm of the cult which focuses on the security and protection of the The Temple-Library of Mendohr and the collection and sequestration of forbidden Lore.

The Fellowship of Miskatonic U. is a semi-secret group within the cult who take up the dangerous study of forbidden Lore to understand the dangers and contain the spread of these ideas.

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it

Knowledge Domain
with much help from Bob Wunder.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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